Russia has massed thousands of soldiers along Ukraine’s border and it’s got people talking about a possible war. What’s President Putin’s strategy? And where does NATO fit in? #AJStartHere with @SandraGathmann explains five things you need to know to understand this story.
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2020s are insane!!!! Stay out America we can’t afford this
Thank you for a broad perspective on the situation. I hope my country will be ok. Our nation suffered too much throughout history and deserves a peaceful living!
it’s in ur hand to not join nato
The US just can’t help but stick their noses in and they are about to be humiliatied
NATO- Ukraine should choose for itself who it supports!
Russia to Venezuela and Cuba- “want to join?”
NATO- **surprised Pickachu face**
is Putin Russian?
Wait, the Atlantic Council is anti-communist Geo-Political propaganda that dictates censorship on youtube i thought.
“Ukraine is a free country”.
This could not be further from the truth. Ukraine is ruled by corrupt oligarchs and their puppet politicans and is now in control of neo-nazis.
Also, you failed to mention that Ukraine and Russia have been together from the start (1000 years ago), they are the same people. First Russian state was in Kiev, not in Moscow.
Putin just wants Ukraine because Russia needs more people in order to survive, they are in a demographic decline.
Al Jezera is Western Propaganda Im unsubcribing.
when nato entered in any country it will destroy that country. dirty union stay far from nato
The Russian are coming , soon so don’t make it even more soon . We in Europe don’t need Ukrainian at all , we’ll bring girls from other countries to dance in our bars and no one wants to be nuked for Ukrainian cheeps
It was not a referendum. The questionnaire in Crimea was illegal and held under military occupation, not supported by any law. As any lawyer would tell you, it was null and void and cannot be called a referendum.
Utter bullshit.
Guys I mean….we do remember that it was America who constantly attacked and invaded other countries over the past 70 years right?
We know for a fact that America destroyed Iraq claiming it is in the possession of mass destruction weapons right?
We know for a fact that America destroyed Libya and Syria right?
Guys….America is NOT wanting democracy for people it wants political and military influence to get world dominance (the own American military calls this full spectrum dominance)and it proved this year after year after year.
Stop acting like every country that stands up against this warmongering American government is some type of villain with the lowest motive for doing so.
Start listen to the Russian goverment itself and get a full picture here instead of taking in pure propaganda all day long and thanking the same people who are manipulating you for providing you with it
One sided story. Crimea was taken from Russia from Khrushchev in 1950s . No problem as long as it they were Soviets. Russia is just claiming what is theirs
Putin is a stronger leader than any country in the west. You better hope that the circus government of the USA can broker a deal. Otherwise another Cuban missile crisis is looming
Cuban missile crisis 2.0 Another Biden policy falling on its face.
All that Putin has to do is place ICBMs in our backyard and the crisis ends.
The golden rule still applies today. Why did we remove the ICBMs from Turkey during the Cuban Missile crisis????
An elaborate bluff.. Dogs that bark loud hardly ever bite..
Sandra you do not mention the agreements made between NATO and Russia that they will not expand their territories. Putin is right, who would want a so called “western democracy” where your individual right as a person gets taken away. Covid sure exposed these democratic ideologies and tyrannical behavior. Your video is very pro NATO. You missing some valid Russian points. You cannot sum up everything in 10min.
I used to like Al Jazeera, but it would seem they have joined the main stream media with their BS rhetoric. Sandra should focus more on her journalism than her chair.
Россия боится американского фашизма не меньше гитлеровского – после убийства миллионов ИРАКЦЕВ – ЛИВИЙЦЕВ – АВГАНЦЕВ карателями НАТО нет никаких сомнений что мы никогда не допустим фашистов к нашим границам даже есле встанет вопрос о полном уничтожении американского континента .. жаль дурачки американские этого не понимают .. увы я уверен в том что написал хотя желаю добра американцам но понимаю что они играют с огнём .
So why was Russia furious towards Ukraine’s political change to EU?
I do not think Ukraine is a model democracy which makes the Russians feel threatened. The problem is NATO have forces on the Russian border. I see no difference betweens Kennedys demand on the Soviet Union over Cuba in 1962 and what Putin is demanding of the west in Ukraine in 2022. Make a deal where Ukraine is a neutral country (such as Austria during the cold war) and the crisis is averted. End of story.
Russians are planifying into deploying the military in Venezuela and Cuba to kill the opressed civilians that want a definitive democratic government. Not to mention that about two weeks ago they deployed them over kazahistan to kill the rebels too.
The solution is simple. NATO & US back off military expansions/arming Ukraine and Russia de-escalate. Tripartite signing of no invasion non threatening interventions on all sides. But the reality , NATO was deliberately put on front line confrontation to provoke Russia to contain Russia at the behest of the imperialist. This will inadvertently coerce NATO-Europe to back this containment campaign which otherwise the Europe nations would not want to interfere. Do they want a peaceful resolution? Absolutely not ! And the BS starts here !
I cannot wait to have Russian storming Kiev and the federation joining the fight. Bomb raining in Europe and the world having fresh air.
The cards need to be reshuffled
I mean…can you blame Putin for trying to keep NATO away from their borders?
Why NATO is in every country surrounding Russia? Putin is not trying to invade Ukraine he just don’t want NATO
@Retro Sounds they didn’t accept Ukraine in NATO or EU. It’s similar to Turkiye, just pinky dreams to get help from the West against Russia.
I mean… You’d think that if you’re brainwashed.
@Monkey Movies I’d think..who’d think who’s brainwashed…might be brainwashed themselves…
@EpenaJr. Sure thing buddy. Russia invades another country for several reasons = NATO is coming to Russia’s borders. Go watch some more Россия 24.
The powerful Russia oh yes we can annihilate the entire world in an hour anyone who talks about fantasy of democracy which is not exist we will destroy them.
A straregic move of Russia and China would be to start simultaneously operations in Ukraine and Taiwan. Both nations have become close allies and they have hold military games and trainings. As an european citizen I see a new era of the cold war beginnig to get warm. New fractions are build up and it seems to me like there is a Western world led by America and NATO on a coliding curse with China and Russia, which have also mobilized allies (Iran, Serbia, North Korea, Belaruss, Kuba…)
I’m watching closely what happens and what our politicians and media is telling us about “the new threat”. I really dont’t like that nobody seems to remeber history no more and that America isn’t talking with Russia on the same Level. They talk about sovereignty of nations and that Ukraine can choose on it’s own if they want to join NATO. I say it’s also our choice who we take in this Alliance. And if this could cause a war or an invasion of Ukraine, it might be the best to reject this opption and to leave things like they are now. People nowdays see you as a friend of Russia and Putin but it’s a fact that Mr. Putin is the President and you have to deal with him and also to talk to the Russians. Therfore we have to accept that they feel threaten by NATO its building up of Radar system and Rockets nearby Russias borders.
Do we realy want to go on a colision curse with Russia? Can’t we talk on same Level with each other? And who would profit of an Invasion of Ukraine? The Ukrainian poeple are like brothers to the most Russians and it would cost Putin a lot of support if Russian and Ukrainian troops are dying there, as well as it would cost more then it gains. I think that this is the goal at all. Forceing Russia into a war that cost them more than it gains. And if I can think like that, there is a good chance that even the Russians see it like that. Maybe that led to new friendships between Russia, China and more countries that actually think that the hegemony of the Western societies is a current threat to them. If so, we will see seriously changes in the future.
This all just because we don’t want to deal with Mr. Putin? I also might be wrong.
Will Russia invade? Yes, as the result of a very weak U.S. administration and Putin’s forthcoming casus belli. It Putin-ism.
US is a failed state but we should still spend all or money on the war effort to keep us safe.
You are nervous about what ? What treat? Come to sences and stop thinking that you are privileged just because you were stronga. This is today !
White colonist propaganda missed a lot of facts like much of Ukraine is part of Russia, and Poland as well. Don’t worry the bombs will make the new borders though. They love genocide, it’s a western value along with democracy and Christianity.
Here for Sandra Gathmann
Putin knows that NATO wouldn’t intervene if he invaded Ukraine. But he is aware that he would lose bargaining power if he did. So, the best-case scenario for Putin is to maintain the illusion that he’s willing to invade without actually invading. It sends a strong message to his own people and to NATO!
What world do you live in where you think NATO wouldn’t intervene? NATO would 100% intervene! now weather you knew about it is a different story.
@John conner I think he’s right. NATO would not intervene. Ukraine is not a subject of NATO. Heck, back in 1940 the US and the UK just watched Germany occupying countries around Europe. Never did a thing about it.
NATO would step in only if attacked directly.
Unfortunately, as for today – Ukraine is alone in it.
@John conner …. how naïve of you to believe that the Americans would defend one country in Eastern Europe! The Americans didn’t intervene in Syria despite warning the regime not to use chemical weapons. In fact, the only time the Americans intervene is when there’s oil.
@CiniMini there seems to be a country very interested in cooperating with Ukrain: Turkiye. Azerbaijan also singed cooperation agreements.
Watch out for countless Russian trolls in the comments section of this (and other vids on this topic) portraying themselves as Americans. Be vigilant
Lol, why Al Jazeera telling us one side story?
So, to sum it up: Putin wanted Ukraine to become an authoritarian state like Russia and it’s vassal/satellite. The Ukrainian president signed a deal with Putin, but the public protested against it and he was forced to cancel the deal with Putin and signed a deal with the west instead, which means Ukrainian people wanted to align with the west. But Putin organized an illegal referendum in a majority ethnic Russian region of Donbass and basically said the result of this referendum represents all of Ukraine..
The Ukraine has the right to self determination whether Russia likes it or not. Russia needs to chill out and stop acting like the West is some big bogyman that wants to invade. WW2 has been over for a long time! If Russia invades the Ukraine then they will force NATO’s hand and become the thing they fear. They will create their own bogyman but then maybe that’s what this is all about. Dictators and fascists on both sides can’t justify insane arms spending without that bogyman…
Atomic Petrol Station = Russia
The only solution is for Russia to join NATO
putin is paranoid, and is very afraid of democracy and freedom, if he invades Ukraine he knows it will backfire on him. He will then have lost and have no bargaining chips – playing with a very weak hand!!
What a well done video, thank you!
Now are russia mayby trying to attack sweden the have boats ner Gotland
Didn’t you see the latest Russian satellite destroyer? NATO kaput.
Yes ! Affirmatively ! Very certainly in Januari and February 2022 ; it was prepared by Poutine very long time before like the Crimée 👈👈…..
Usa ruining the world with always need for war.
One of the Best True History and Political News channels on Earth!
This is the US narrative. But in reality this is all about shutting down Nord Stream 2. US tried to scare Germany with sanctions that would cripple multiple large German companies. That didn’t work. US gave Unkraine 0.5B in weapons. Hoping Ukraine would take over Donbass. Ukraine is scared of Russian army. The rest of Europe is scared to death, scared of the sanctions that would hurt them only slightly less than Russia. Europe couldn’t care less about Ukraine. Winter is cold, they need Russian gas. The US is saying “Russians are comming” “Russians are comming”. When the Russians don’t invade, well it because of mud. Will Blinken’s policy succeed and Germany shuts off NS-2? So far NS-2 is not certified.
Ukraine is a failed state that depends on Russian gas transit fees for survival.
She is delicious…..very cute.
Russia will go in and nato will just slow it down till it hits Germany. Germany will be nuked by russia. France will be the force strong enough to hold russia off. Britain will be leashed by russia. The u.s. will have a multi front war with russia, iran and china. I believe china will kick off the war. Russia will wait till the u.s. is trying to marshal its forces. Then they will invade
NATO is already 500 km from Moscow via Latvia and 150 km from St, Petersburg via Estonia so the argument that NATO will get closer to Moscow if Ukraine joins NATO is BS there is 800 km from Kyiv to Moscow ..
And her is a thought .. if every neighbor you have is running to begging NATO to let them join NATO is it becouse you are such a nice and good neighbor? Or is it because you act like a bully and are aggressive and invade your neighbor lands sending in troops and tanks Hungary 1956, Czechoslovakia 1968, Poland 1980 Moldova 1990-91, Georgia 2008, Ukraine 2014 ++ and now Kazakhstan 2022+++ eat eat eat … Maybe if you act in a more nicer way, then your neighbors will liked you more and maybe your neighbors in your neighborhood will want to be around you as well .
And before someone comes with the Cuba nukes back in the 60s argument let me tell you this it was back in the cold war a drf. time all together and The main difference is that Castro invited Russia with their missiles to Cuba while Ukraine’s young democracy is trying to protect itself from Putin’s dictatorship!
1. The Geneva Convention.
2. Charter of the United Nations
3. The Helsinki Accords
4. The Charter of the OSCE
5. Budapest Memorandum of 1994
6. Two Russia, Ukraine friendship treaties
7. International Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination
8. European Court of Human Rights
there was not any Observers in Crimea from OSCE and UN in this so called referendum
And yes I would vote Yes in a referendum too if I had 20,000 Russian soldiers pointing their weapons at me when I was standing at the votingbox.
When RuSSia actually get another country (besides North Korea and a couple of other basket-cases) to support the claim of ownership of Crimea, I hope Putin will let us know, In the meantime, Putin can and will do what the Kremlin like there, but it will always belong to Ukraine and in the end it will go back to Ukraine.
In Crimea, there was no pre-existing crisis, no attempt to discuss the situation with the Ukrainian government, no involvement of the United Nations, and no attempt at a negotiated solution. Russia annexed part of Ukraine’s territory in less than 30 days. It has sought to justify its illegal and illegitimate annexation, in part, by pointing to a “referendum” that was inconsistent with Ukrainian law, held under conditions of illegal armed occupation with no freedom of expression or media access for the opposition, and without any credible international monitoring.
The earlier published documents, and materials that have emerged more recently, make clear that the transfer of Crimea from the RSFSR to the UkrSSR was carried out in accordance with the 1936 Soviet constitution, which in Article 18 stipulated that “the territory of a Union Republic may not be altered without its consent.” The proceedings of the USSR Supreme Soviet Presidium meeting indicate that both the RSFSR and the UkrSSR had given their consent via their republic parliaments.
One of the officials present at the 19 February session, Otto Kuusinen, even boasted that “only in our country [the USSR] is it possible that issues of the utmost importance such as the territorial transfer of individual oblasts to a particular republic can be decided without any difficulties.” One might argue that the process in 1954 would have been a lot better if it had been complicated and difficult, but no matter how one judges the expeditiousness of the territorial reconfiguration, the main point to stress here is that it is incorrect to say (as some Russian commentators and government officials recently have) that Crimea was transferred unconstitutionally or illegally. The legal system in the Soviet Union was mostly a fiction, but the transfer did occur in accordance with the rules in effect at the time.
Moreover, regardless of how the transfer was carried out, the Russian Federation expressly accepted Ukraine’s 1991 borders both in the December 1991 Belovezhskaya Pushcha accords (the agreements that precipitated and codified the dissolution of the Soviet Union) and in the December 1994 Budapest Memorandum that finalized Ukraine’s status as a non-nuclear weapons state.
USA and NATO started this mess for benefit of their militaristic corporations, That’s all.
I hope Russia vaporizes the United States.i would rather see the United States destroyer completely then watch the democrats destroy it like they are
Please president Putin destroy Washington DC and liberate the American people from the democrats and their worthless leader
More news commentary should have historical background like this one. Showing both sides of the story is also equally important!. Good Job, except the ditsy comment about tanks wearing lipstick that comment lost alot of the ligitimatcy of this story and the news company.
Yes quite good useless war propaganda. (especially for Ukrainians, a country which, 10 years ago, had an average salary lower than that of Ghana…)
Very good level of use of the press by the little geniuses of Washington.
And beautiful lying poker! Are we in a Wild West saloon? A war in Europe, good old Anglo-Saxon techniques. Except that poker is good, chess is better.
On the real ground, the Russians are equipped with 80% new equipment and they have just released their new S-550 surface-to-air missile. satellites-missiles-drones from the ground to the Moon…)
They are champions of electronic warfare and they can undoubtedly “hack” the entire NATO AEGIS communication system and therefore immobilize the entire Western military apparatus. A French frigate also paid the price off Syria in 2019. (electronic jamming of on-board instruments, impossible to fire a missile)
They are allied militarily with China and act in concert diplomatically. (China has hypersonic missiles that go 17,000 km/h and now has the largest military fleet in the world)
There is nothing between Berlin and Moscow that can stop the only Russian 1st Armored Army. Apart from the French, the English and the USA together.
The European Union, for its part, has disappeared from diplomatic history by dint of talking bullshit. Count on her to take nuclear warheads in the face instead of Washington.
You want fight againts the bear?
Stupid thing…
NATO is alarmed yet does nothing
NATO is the threat just as we wouldn’t what Russia missiles aming at us from Mexico border
Al Jazeera has been bribed by the US to give a Western slant to it’s reporting. The US would never let a country in the Western Hemisphere align with Russia because they don’t want Russia in their backyard. So it’s justified for Russia to defend its own backyard. Plain and simple.
No. But that won’t stop a US false flag.
What is the difference between nato presence in Ukraine and Soviet Presence in Cuba?
It would be a blood bath for the Russian Federation, the Ukraine is obviously out matched in a traditional war, but with a guerrilla war, using non-traditional tactics, funded by western NATO countries would be disastrous for Russia, the Russian province of Chechnya inflicted 15, 000 casualties on the Russian military fighting a non-conventional war, and this was a small Russian province of less than 1.5 million people, Ukraine also borders NATO countries that will funnel arms, money, and training to bleed the Russian army dry, this is just posturing by the Russian military, 100,000 troops is not a large enough force to invade a modernized country of 44 million, Putin knows that he cant win a war of attrition in the Ukraine backed by NATO
Al Jazeera and these propaganda hit pieces. There’s a lot more at play in this. You decide to push selective narrative. FAKENEWS!
Russia wouldn’t invade Ukraine. I can’t even see logically what good that would bring Russia. There’s no prize in invading Ukraine, an already basket case of economic mess. Putin is playing a long game. America tough talk of sanctions on Russia have been checked with reports that this would worsen the global economic situation we’re in. NATO and the west is providing military assistance to Ukraine while Russia still hold the Ukraine up economically by a thread with gas transit fees. Why Zelensky peace plan pitch to Putin for Donbass includes… new gas transit contract with Russia beyond 2024? Watch the long game play out.
Looks like the deep state got to AL Jazeera, too.
And you are who exactly.
You guys are completely wrong with the start, you need find out why Hunter Biden doing in Ukraine.
Pray no Russian war coming to Ukraine , the civil war already wrecked this country bad enough for many Ukrainians . 😌😌
Will America let go of Hawaii, Guam, the Marshall Islands, Puerto Rico, Alaska, the Philippines, etc if Russia stands down on Ukraine, and will America let go of Taiwan? Yes or No?! If the answer is No, then I think the discussion is over with. Oh, we can return to the age-old game of Pot calling the Skillet black.
The US should stop poking at Russia, but the Military Industrial Complex needs this tension to keep control and the money coming in. I believe most American citizens want peace and good relations with Russia. We have much in common and both have much respect for life.
Hey brother(RU-Ukraine) Let’s not fight.
Who cares lol
Excellent analysis👍
That’s what I keep saying. Putin is not afraid of Nato he is afraid of democracy. Just after the Maïdan revolution Henry Kissinger stated that Putin was afraid to be the next one on the list. A democratic Ukraine is for Putin what a crucifix and a clove of garlic are in front of Dracula.
I hope democracies won’t yield to his blackmail. More than ever we need to be united and strong. Remember Munich !!!
some say Ukraine’s situation is the fault of the west, which is partially true. what if the west is sending it’s support to Ukraine under false pretenses, to intimidate the Russians into a military conflict, knowing the Russians would not let go of Ukraine or easily pass it over in to the arms of the west.. the support the west is offering to Ukraine is close to none, it’s merely political. so indeed Ukraine looks like a tool created by the west to invoke a conflict. reason? Putin is not a comfortable partner to the west..
Maybe because nato step the redline!😅😁😂
@SandraGathmann – were you influenced by Abby Martin ?
Usa and nato are warmongering as usual. Destroying the middle east for zionist Greater Israel project wasnt enough.
Happy New year. looks like 2022 will be year of ww3
If Russia was setting up military bases in Mexico or Canada near the border of US, I wonder how US would react. Behind all this nonsense, everybody know US wants to see collapse of Russia. Russia will do anything to survive.
you are correct. We don’t need authoritarian thugs at the US border.
The reason NATO was formed after WWII was to ensure that there would not be a Third World War. As Bernard Law Montgomery put it, “We have won the German war, we must now win the peace”. But today, NATO is pushing the world closer and closer towards WWIII.
Kazakhstan today “The police department, all five floors, was a kind of a torture conveyor. Screaming could be heard from every window,” the longtime opposition activist alleged. “The tortures were horrific. They put bags on young people and strangled them. They beat people, jumped on those lying on the floor
it’s simple dont include ukraine then avoid war, the west thinks they can do anything. dont poke the bear youll know what will happen.
The REDICALs government of Ukraine will be wiped ou by RUSSIA its as simple as that.
One of the worst propaganda video I have ever seen, that too coming out from such a reputable channel, There’s no mention of real threat to Russian security from eastward expansion of NATO, while when Russia export gas to Germany everyone losses their mind on the gas dependence issues, Start talking sense rather western propaganda
mabye NATO should pull back tho
n not threaten that bear
The history lesson was a pack of lies. As long as the lies continue, a real resolution cannot be found. You skipped the part that Crimea was part of Russia before the Soviet Union, and was “gifted” to Ukraine during the time of the Soviet Union. The majority of its people wanted to return to Russia and when there was an illegal coup and illegitimate government in Kiev, that is exactly what they did. Comments about the Donbas being separatists are very one-sided. It was the Maiden coup that departed from democracy, and so while Kiev was forming a new government after an illegal CIA backed coup, the Donbas formed their two republics because the people there are more connected with Russia culturally and economically than with Europe. One could say that Kiev was the separatists, just as equally as Donbas. The Ukrainian government had failed, the people of the Donbas had no say in the new government. And instead of offering peace, and allowing the people of the Donbass to continue to use Russian as their primary language, they were greeted with a military force that killed women and children. Anyway, the Bible (Daniel 7) tells us how this is going to turn out.
I like putins view on family values unlike the west families are falling 2 pieces. The west have lost their fear of God.
Ни кто не хочет враги на пороге своего дома…
In 2014 Yanukovitch was overthrown illigally by a western financed coup with paid snipers in Maidan
1990s Dont tell my mother. I am in Chechnya
2020s Dont tell my mother, I am in Ukraine
Al Jazeera is one of the most authentic and credible sources of news for me. Love and respect from India. ❤️🌸🇮🇳
Nothing will happen, it’s only the West wants to create another Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya Syria and so on. Where economy based upon WAR, what else do you expect….. but day by day this policy bringing WW3 very much a near reality…. so don’t start another propaganda war. No one will comes out a winner from this. People in the NATO countries will be more heavily taxed than before, always a crisis like situation. Only winner will be as always is the armed manufacturers and their representatives 🤔🤫
Crimea was once part of the salviati
Thank you Aljazeera for reuploading
Pretty obvious if Ukraine joins NATO it will be a permanent US/NATO base and they will put missiles there pointing them at Russia. Just like they did in Romania and Poland
I think Putin has a point here. His terms are reasonable. NATO does not need Ukraine, a country with half of its population Russian or pro-Russian. NATO without Ukraine is still the dominant alliance. Why on earth shall we risk a third World War? In 1938 Munich conferance Chamberlain and Dalantie accepted much more maximalistic Hitler’s terms in order to keep peace, but Hitler wanted even more! Putin wants only NATO to stay out of the former Soviet teritorry, he does not ask so much! If the third World War starts it will not be Putin to blame!