Spilling secrets.
Hollywood actor @amrwaked investigates the origins and influence of secret societies and their desire to hold sway from the shadows.
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#دهاليز_عمرو_واكد #الجزيرة_O2 #نفس_جديد
1. Bible foretold emergence of secret societies and warns Christians against being Members of secret societies.
2. Ellen G. White in the her books like Evangelism, Last Day Events, The Great Controversy (Jesuits), says that Satan will use Secret societies as his agents to bring about the final events in these closing days of Earth’s history. She associated the Jesuits to the Catholic Church in the book the great controversy. In the book Evangelism she is quoted warning a member to cut links with the Freemasons.
3. Research by Prof. Walter Veith reveals that all secret societies are connected together and belong to and report to the Roman Catholic Church. Additionally, many global organizations belong to these secret societies and are channels for executing the wishes of the Vatican. For example: the UN, WHO, EU, Nobel Prize etc belong to and fulfill the desires of Vatican through secret societies.
Bill Hughes demonstrates that Secret societies create crises around the world and they take advantage of the each crisis to reduce constitutional freedoms in different countries gradually. For example in the America, they are working towards eliminating rights to own a gun, giving government permission to over peoples lives, they also want a porous border especially with Mexico to allow more Catholics in America and reduce proportion of protestantism.
Jack Chick & David Daniels trace the responsibility of the Vatican through secret societies in organizing wars around the world including world war I and World War II. They were also responsible for the Civil wars in America in 1770s the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, JF Kennedy and his brothers etc. They own the American Federal Reserve Bank and created the Titanic Ship and used it to eliminate American influential men who were at that time opposed to the creation of this Fed Bank.
This quotation is from Ellen G. White
The world is a theater; the actors, its inhabitants, are preparing to act their part in the last great drama. With the great masses of mankind, there is no unity, except as men confederate to accomplish their selfish purposes. God is looking on. His purposes in regard to His rebellious subjects will be fulfilled. The world has not been given into the hands of men, though God is permitting the elements of confusion and disorder to bear sway for a season. A power from beneath is working to bring about the last great scenes in the drama, – Satan coming as Christ, and working with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in those who are binding themselves together in secret societies. Those who are yielding to the passion for confederation are working out the plans of the enemy. The cause will be followed by the effect. – Evangelism page 622.2
This quotation is from Ellen G White
The Bible says the ANTICHRIST will rule the world someday and the whole world will worship him.The Christians will be gone by then in the RAPTURE TO HEAVEN WITH JESUS
Great RESEARCH and interesting facts.Speaker does a fantastic job
That’s explained who You work for and who sponsor you lol, Funny You’re trying hard to hide Your accent
not deeply investigated i think
If you are so powerful why are you secret ?!!
Maybe it is the Evil that you keep a secret….. until people adopt and are accustomed to their evil 😈 … then they can show their evil face 😈 God save us from Evil inclination and evil people🙏
Good job!! For the ones that are still in the dark. Your videos will help them see clear!
These are organisations that try to drag humans away from God and his existence ( N.W.O) they claim to be geniuses who run the world with their own systems and beliefs….and that’s why they are ” secret” anything that is hidden think twice….the only mystery i love is God’s mystery not their mystery.
” what profit a man by gaining the whole world at the expense of his soul ” ?
All those who started All these, wherever they are , they ate regretting now. I am satisfied with what l have; for my sufficiency is of God.
Thank al zajeera Arabic
Bạn hãy cẩn thận đừng đi quá xa họ rất nghi hiểm.an lành đến bạn
How come they still existed?
Pastors and prophets have been warning about them for the longest time.
Yes they are real and And they have a lot of influence But they’re just a façade Secret organizations belong to The Escortic families Who owns half the world’s wealth Rockefeller Morgan Rodchild And the owners of ferry companies to the continent Banks especially International Monetary Fund America sinks day after day into debt The next coming is worse.
A fate that controls oneself created a force that controls a numbers mass & destructions…..hidden agenda thats should not be existed.
Using any powers for the destruction of humanity against 10 commandments is the evil power used by Demonic people 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏like masonry and Freemasons🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
I used to belong to a secret society, but got kicked out.
The origin of masons and Illuminatti is ancient Egypt, structures that symbolise these societies are pyramids, tools used by masons and human eye. The word “il” is of cush origin and has inherent properties and means (eye) it also means civilization, that is seeing what others can’t see.
It is all inherited from ancient world. Standing on the shoulders of the Giant
Secrets are in the Quran, like the our any thing else is not secret. For example God is not secret because we know.
The wef is the worst one ever.
My name is GOD! secret societies and religions control people through their subconscious mind! Basically everyone is apart of it just know really knows! To not be blind is to open your mind!
An organisation within an organisation… hidden in plain sight
to all free mason where is the other 67 degree of enlightenment .because ya’ll are 33 degrees .water freeze at 33 degree so my qstn is are you really enlighted or are trying to doop us …their secrete is us ”black people”..black people the original people of this Earth
the secret is ”US”
David icke conspiracy is hard to fallacy.
Yeah, I was involved once with a “secret society “ and it became really boring. You could only see and be around the same people day after day – no matter where you went, restaurants, beaches or just a drive -same people or a friend of a friend. The secrets cause paranoia. I didn’t like how ur free will was taken .
Why has it served Humanity well? Quite the opposite..using Humanity as a source of free labour..The only thing Humanity has risen to is never ending suffering which is engendered by these groups.
You are so right. Those secret societies are all evil. If they were good people in them they would be made public what they discussed but since we never hear what they talk about you can be sure that they are detrimental to human lives.
Yes, they are ruling the world from behind closed doors.
What I understood freemasonry was about biblical numerology like Arabic abjad, I don’t really believe Arabs are intellectual in mathematics as like Indians judging by what I saw in the Middle East.
Quran 107.1—Have You Seen The One Who Denies the ˹final˺ Judgment?
Quran 107.2—That is The One Who Repulses the ORPHAN,
Quran 107.3—And DOES NOT Encourage the FEEDING of the POOR.
Quran 107.4—So Woe To Those who Pray
Quran 107.5—Yet Are Unmindful of Their Prayers;
Quran 107.6—Those Who ˹only˺ SHOW OFF,
Quran 107.7—and REFUSE to Give ˹Even the Simplest˺ AID(Help).
Quran 61.2—O believers! Why Do you SAY What You do NOT Do?
Quran 61.3—It is Greatly Outrageous to Allah that you SAY what You DONOT Do.
CONCLUSION—-“First Practice Yourself, then Tell to others ” is the Meaning of above 2 verses……
Quran 4.74—Let those who would Sacrifice this Life for the Hereafter Fight in the Cause of Allah. And whoever Fights in Allah’s Cause—Whether they achieve Martyrdom or Victory—We will Honour them with a Great Reward.
Quran 4.75—And what is it with you? You DONOT Fight in the Cause of Allah and for Oppressed MEN, WOMAN, and CHILDREN who CRY OUT, “Our Lord! Deliver us from this Land of Oppressors! Appoint for us a Saviour; Appoint for us a Helper—all by Your Grace.”
CONCLUSION—-The Fighting in Cause of Allah means HELPING THE Weak MEN ,WOMEN and CHILDREN who were TORTURED by the Cruel People, who were Beating Them…
Quran 4.76—Believers Fight for the Cause of Allah, whereas Disbelievers Fight for the Cause of the Devil. So fight against Satan’s ˹ Evil˺ forces. Indeed, Satan’s schemes are Ever Weak.
CONCLUSION—-Fighting in the Cause of Devil means Torturing the WEAK PEOPLE and Causing the Great Disturbances in the Country and the World….
Quran 2.261—-The Example of Those Who Spend Their WEALTH in the Cause of Allah is That of A GRAIN That Sprouts into SEVEN (7) Ears, Each Bearing ONE HUNDRED (100) GRAINS. And Allah Multiplies ˹the Reward Even More˺ To Whoever He wills. For Allah is All-Bountiful, All-Knowing.
CONCLUSION—For 1 Grain Spent in Cause of Allah (FEEDING POOR or Helping Poor With Money) , There Will Grow 7 Ears, Each Ear Having 100 Grains, so 7*100=700 Times…..
Quran 4.36—Worship Allah And Associate Nothing With Him, And To Parents Do GOOD, And To RELATIVES, ORPHANS, The NEEDY, The Near Neighbor, The NEIGHBOR Farther Away, The COMPANION At Your Side, The TRAVELER, And Those Whom Your Right Hands Possess. Indeed, Allah DOES NOT Like Those Who Are Self-Deluding And Boastful.
Quran 4.3—-
But if you are afraid you will fail to maintain justice, then ˹content yourselves with˺ one….
CONCLUSION—In the Ayat , the main Objective is to do “JUSTICE WITH WIFE” , thats why 1 Wife is preferred but the Door is open for upto 4 Wives
If more NUMBER OF CHILD was preferred , then More Wives was preferred..
When a Man has 2 Wives, he has to do JUSTICE between the Children of Both Wives….
He has to do JUSTICE in Financial matters and other between the Children of Both Wives…
If he is NOT Able to do so Between his Children , he has to think this before and has to think number of Child he can Afford so that he has No Problem in the Life in the Upbringing and Guidance of his Sons and Daughters….
JUSTICE between the Wives can only be done if Less Number of Child is born…..
And 1 WIFE is Preferred if a Man Fears That He Will Not Able To Maintain Justice Between Wives………
If a Man has Many Children , then He will Have
HIFZ OF QUR’AN is Wonderful Example in Understanding the Birth Control———————-
Quran 15.9—It is certainly We Who have revealed the Reminder, and it is certainly We Who will preserve it.
We all know that MEMORISATION of Quran takes place in Entire World and Allah in His Book in Verse 15.9 have taken Responsibility to Preserve This Book But This Practice of Memorisation(HIFZ) are Taking Place from Last 1400 years and this Practice is Not Stopped by Scholars ,Despite the fact that Allah took this Responsibility in his Shoulder…
SIMILARLY, Allah given and arranges Food but this Doesnot Mean that we produce a Lot of Children and Depend on Allah ,while doing Nothing and Donot Thinking anything and Producing Children and more Children when the INCOME IS LOW….
So, BIRTH CONTROL is integral part of Islam and i have given 2 Arguments in this Favour from Allah”s Book that Allah wants BIRTH CONTROL and Muslim Scholars needs to ponder these Ayats Agains and do IJTIHAD( Reasoning) again…..and make this World a Better Place to Live….
Quran 2.42—DONOT Mix Truth With Falsehood or Hide The Truth Knowingly.
CONCLUSION—-DONOT Lie When You Speak and DONOT Write Wrong Information is the Meaning of This Verse…..
Quran 2.269—He Gives WISDOM To Whom He Wills, And Whoever Has Been Given WISDOM Has Certainly Been Given Much GOOD. And None Will Remember Except Those of Understanding.
CONCLUSION—If You Do GOOD Work , Then You Will Become Wise… If You Do EVIL Work, Then You Will Become Foolish… If You Do CHARITY, it Means You Are Bringing Happiness To Someone Life And Removing Sadness From a Life, Then God Makes You WISE is The Gist of This Verse 2.269…
Quran 17.7– “If You Do GOOD, You Do GOOD For YOURSELVES; And If You Do EVIL, [you do it] To YOURSELVES.”
Holy Quran 17.32–
And DONOT Approach UNLAWFUL SEXUAL INTERCOURSE. Indeed, it is Ever an Immorality and is EVIL As a Way.
dajjal is zionist of isreal end he is not de massia he is lies
russia wil destroy you all whit nuclaer boms good luck
ALL MIND ALL SOURCE.. infinite intelligence of infinite realms.. no word can describe no image can compare..
QuantuM0 ALLMIND INFINITE Creator OVE of +01time -0space **father mother… our Trinity GodHead in Unity… Infinity’s Offspring is our light369 Springs light3 sound3 in color3 *all minD 369 vibration frequency in charge of infinite intelligent TRINITIESenergy Alpha Omega Matrix is love sigNature of order…3
through every wavelength and particle of matter, metaphysically and physically uniVersally.
All the ansWErs to what ails our planet💓 and our peoples💓 are found in Creations Tree of life’s LIGHT⚡🍷✡🔑
Harnessing the power of nature the Earth becomes like our Garden of Eden and is the healing for all nations.
Genesis …from first light …IN US is our Creator…ONE IN WHOM ALL HAVE FREE WILL, yet all work together completely in perfect harmony for Infinity….
in every ONES OMnipreSent MOment…
As we grow forward & awaken, 3rd EYE VISION … Universal signature of unconditional wisdoms Love’s order,
we are able to forgive …self and others.. receiving
AW WE SEE… ONE who is perfect LOver diVine… is within us…each one, experiencing self in self wheel within a wheel oh EzeKEYel..
each one,… realizing recognizing or not…
the universe exists in our ONECreators infinite OMnipresent…
INFINITE WOMB of all thought <> (THOTH)
Lights369 Never Dies ,
death is the Illusion, & our the promised rest is real !!!
Tes la talk I am living light….
Bi mighty Light369 AWARE awakened signals ALL universe,
New Age
New Mind
New manKIND graduated higher order mind conscious kind369.. harmony with our universe harmony with Mother Nature loves light color sounds signature of order.
Conscious Kingdom… that is forever in harmony ..
with mother nature in uniVerse
power 3.
*Harnessing The Power of Love signature lights369 order, we have Mind Over Matter *
♡free energy ♡anti-gravity ♡solutions for all pollution’s
♡the best medical tool one could ever imagine
♡we can make rain and ♡◇♤○much more..
🎶A compilation world’s gift to itself💧, it takes everybody to make anybody happen…
we are all complete unique individual Immaculate Conception from first light…
Enki 𒀭𒂗𒆠Quantum INTrinity ♂️time ♀️space infiniti’s 3light 3color 3sound in unity ÷7 infinitely in iam body mind spirit In frequency vibration and charge =all mind.. eternal lights we are ALL learning the power of our mind369…in
1Frequency. …
Amplitude. …
2Timbre. …
Envelope. …
3Velocity. …
Wavelength. …
Phase SUM.
1 radio waves,
2infrared (IR)
visible light, 3ultraviolet
Gamma rays SUM
1 Red
3. Blue
Indigo SUM
In understanding Divine energy we have no enemies…
From unconscious subconscious to Consciousness we grow WE GEO WE, KNOW OUR SELF, MIND E3 TOWARD YOU & ME… forgiveness is key power 3 sets all captives FREE ILOVEtheHumanRace.com
May Allah curse Abu bakr and Umar and Aisha and Hafsa the killers of the prophet and Fatima. May Allah curse these demons
Most secret societies are Gnostic in their belief and goal is establishment of one world government. Real secret is that they worship Lucifer. In all fairness Lucifer at lower levels they are told is human intellect but it changes at higher levels.
We have to live here…we must protect ourselves….we’re not idiots. Well done tape. If it is secret….then you will NEVER figure it out. If you do…then they will have to kill you, I guess.
The real masonry is to me be proven out for a new world order…and i am talking about the real inner core of masonry not the do gooders club hanging on the outer layers…this new world order dousnt need christians around because masonry is about the worship off lucifer and his fallen angels
Dear pastor….this govt of satanists will try to make your church and pastor lockes another WACO on steroids..be very watchful and strong in faith..for the harder times are just beginning…this is a globalist U.N bilderberg move..that soros..obama and those of A.I are behind
Pray. Keep your faith in God. He told us these things were coming but he’d protect those who call on his name.
A big thing to understand is that there is certain occult knowledge that is kept secret not because of a world domination plan but becuase this knowledge is very powerful and it is important not to let this power fall into the wrong hands. There are principles and powers at play which are governing how our physical existence is playing out. Secret societies have an understanding of group ritual and develop egregores which serve their groups motives. God’s and goddesses are formed from the ideas of humans. And if humans agree upon the same concept of something for extended periods of time while pouring lots of energy into this idea then this “idea” becomes a living entity which eventually operates on its own. But anyways, stop seeing everyone as the enemy that is called polarization.
There are many ways for humans to live on Earth. Some choose to be Entertainers, Athletes, Politicians, etcetera. Some are also members of fraternities and/or sororities. They CHOOSE to live that way.
All secret societies are CULTS. All cults are not secret societies.
The only two worlds are (a) flesh and (b) spirit. Secret societies are NOT worlds.
All knowledge is good, but all knowledge is not good for you. All knowledge in secret societies are public. You DO NOT have to be in a secret society to be initiated or to know the HOLY SPIRIT.
You do not have to be in a secret society to enter the Kingdom of God.
God is good. Joey
the human being constantly fights to deprogram himself from the matrix and that the more he tries, the more the system is updated, this fight for the evolution of consciousness and freedom is unique according to them, although we who wake up know that this is a lie because in reality we are all connected only that we have not developed that quality, although if we start with ourselves and expand our knowledge to those who precede us, although sometimes it is tiring to live among so much superficiality and social collapse, we try again and again, gentlemen, believe me when I say that this struggle to deprogram is tremendous, because when you start your path you will find valleys and shadows that are from the foundation of human capitalism where slavery reigns and the governments behind the governments that respond to the lords of darkness, need the human being as catalytic energy, religions, politics, institutions and so on were designed
to mold the modern slave and if you think about the life of the human being for them it is to keep them constantly busy, so that they do not think so that they never question anything.
Through option number one (monetary concerns) they are the first weapon of control if you don’t have money you don’t buy, but you buy, you don’t eat and if you don’t eat you die.
They use the armed forces and the system of laws approved by a global leadership to instill fear and keep the masses numb, lethargic and disdainful, and so the generations pass for decades and decades.
But I am a man of faith if that quality corresponds to our inner conscience and I believe that although we will not see it in the short term, the human being will manage to detach himself from this matrix, but before that there will be strong pandemics, violently harmful wars, climate changes and other scenarios. who are already available to keep the beings of this physical plane aligned and have resolved everything concerning the next contacts with beings anthropomorphically different from us and have resolved the hunger of the peoples and have resolved technology as a means of control and have solved the next 100 years, but there is one thing that they will never be able to solve even using methods of psychic laboratories and diseases created for population reduction and that thing is the strength of the human heart to connect with another human being the interactive flow that unites thoughts and emotions of millions and millions of people around the planet and on a non-physical plane
and they create energies in the form of shields and weapons and science understands this and the lords behind the governments know this and the entities that control those governments understand that if human beings were to come together for one purpose they could not resist and should flee .
These are thieves and witches. Killing people while they enjoy. They use media’s only.
Every sports club of England copy Manchester united symbols, clothes and stadium. Also those freemason they copy and paste to hide their evils.
Is this Antonio Banderas
In Lancaster ca melody holden Melissa Dorsey Donell qiutman Carter bragg about worshiping satin under ground where they Bragg the president of the United States 🇺🇸
Video whores Bruce Springsteen human touch
And ex la county sheriff’s Marlene Monroe married doughty
She had 2 children I believe a twin boy and girl long tongue in music industry video like kiss
And Ana elosonda Cathlic church and Tony in Bakersfield Karen dunsworth Beauregard family stop fuking children for the pope valterra products llc and niebers and LA county sheriff and kieth gooselaw Jeffery gold John demarr rubin hernandez benijerm demarr tabiatha Thompson saria burgos Jessica Fenton
REPENT, JESUS🙏 Christ is coming soon
😄😄 I think this guy was in the movie Lucy,, Scarlett Johansson
Secret Societies?? Or societies with secrets?
This guy’s demonic visage is creeping me out😱🤢😰
Served as more of a propaganda than exposing
Why are they secret??? They’re involved in criminal activity!!!
Secrets aren’t real, they are subway Huber – bob tardnation
Can you find out about Ahmadiyyah or Qadiani religious cult? That would be truly informative. They are thriving tremendously like free masons.
Lol the editing. This guy thinks very highly of himself.
yes i know since i am a member , i wrote songs like all time low – monsters and neoni – darkside , i got the money from it,but i am not a celebrety.
Nothing should be a secret,so that should give you an incline that it is not a good thing to be in a secret society,like freemasons and skull and bones,it is evil totally.
Seriously David icke wow
Seecccrreèttt ssooooxcciuuttyý Kkiiddddnnnaapppiingg ssoollldd ttthhhrŕeè ssooouuullĺ
Llllooooccçccaaaaeèè Kimmmmkcakarrrrdďeeooinnneenn
UuugggllyyKimk Azquetta Family being kidnapping Sanntoos Told mmmee ScarreeddCARLI B
Trying to make the Arab world important yet again ended up being disappointed 🤣🤣🤣
Look within your own daily decisions and you’ll find out you’re really ruled by your habits.
A bit strange that any mention of Freesmiths and the comment gets deleted quickly.
Why will comments get deleted if fr3emas0n is in them?
Yahshua – you know Him as Jesus – was born to a virgin, turned water to wine, taught, healed the sick, raised the dead, casted out demons, walked on water, calmed the storm, and fed a crowd of thousands with a few fish and a few loaves of bread, among many other things. He was killed on the cross as payment for the sins of all mankind, three days later He rose from the dead. Forty days later He ascended into heaven where He sits at the right hand of the Father. He is returning very soon, but before He does, Satan, the devil, is coming to pretend to be Jesus/God. Satan is an angel, and he will have certain supernatural powers with which to try to fool everyone. He will, for example, be able to make fire come down from heaven in the sight of men. He will only be on earth a short time before the real King of Kings, Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, returns. When the real Jesus comes we will all be transformed into our spiritual bodies at the same moment. Jesus came in the flesh to offer forgiveness of sins and eternal life to anyone who believes and calls on His precious name!
if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. – Romans 10:9
Now when Jesus was in Bethany, in the house of Simon the leper, There came unto him a woman having an alabaster box of very precious ointment, and poured it on his head, as he sat at meat. But when his disciples saw it, they had indignation, saying, To what purpose is this waste? For this ointment might have been sold for much, and given to the poor. When Jesus understood it, he said unto them, Why trouble ye the woman? for she hath wrought a good work upon me. For ye have the poor always with you; but me ye have not always. For in that she hath poured this ointment on my body, she did it for my burial. Verily I say unto you, Wheresoever this gospel shall be preached in the whole world, there shall also this, that this woman hath done, be told for a memorial of her. – Matthew 26:6-13
Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.
To anoint your self, the sick, or a building for spiritual protection:
Get a small bottle of olive oil and pour off a small amount into a smaller vessel like a vial or baby food jar. Use the rest of the bottle for cooking. Ask the Lord to bless your vial of oil in Jesus name. Anoint yourself with the oil by placing a dab of oil on tip of finger and touch it to your forehead, and ask the Lord to bless you/heal you. Place a dab of oil on your finger and anoint the door posts and order all negativity and evil out of the house, and order that nothing negative or evil can enter into your home including piggybacking on a person entering, order it to be so in the name of Jesus. Anoint all potential entrances to your home. To anoint the sick, place oil on tip of finger and touch it to the head of the sick and say a prayer of healing over them in Jesus name. See James Chapter 5:14-15……..
Secret societies are the islamic jihadi groups trying to convert world to islam and implement shari all over. First they send some jihadis as refugees and these refugees breed like …. and soon they start claiming the land and resources are theirs and after a decade or so, they become majority and jihadis will take over the land and implement sharia law. We saw Kashmir, Afghanistan where indegenous people doesnt exist any more.
Hi. in the “About” section on my channel, I have links to articles against witchcraft, Islam and abortion. I also link to my article explaining why you should be an Orthodox Christian. I present some evidence and miracles as well. Jesus is Lord, and he rose bodily from the dead. Call on his name and pray, “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner.”
They r trying to create fear..coz they r cowards
6:13 the biggest lie on Earth to ever exist no amount of bullshit can reach this level