Shipping traffic through Egypt’s Suez Canal has once again resumed, with the Ever Given ship now unstuck.
On Monday, tug boats towed the giant container ship to the centre of the canal where it had been jammed for nearly a week.
About 15 percent of world shipping traffic passes through the Suez Canal and the blockage had disrupted global supply chains.
Al Jazeera’s Victoria Gatenby reports.
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#Egypt #SuezCanal #EverGiven
Need this Evergiven 🚢 to carry 🎤
Is the name not Ever Green?
Evergreen Marine Company operates 153 container ship. Evergiven is one of them. Evergreen is a Taiwan company. Evergiven ship owner is a Japanese gentleman…Evergreen also operates Ever Spring Class, Ever Valor Class, Ever Level Class, Ever G-class, Ever Racer class, Ever Ultra class , Ever P-class, Ever A-class, Ever B-class, Ever-F class, Ever Golden Class Etc…..Evergreen Marine Company is operating ships by leasing from others…
Yea if you Can refrain from sailing your MV at 13 knots in a sand storm in the suez canal tha would be great!
Speed limit is 5 knots.
Alhumdillilah hard work paid….
Was she saying, “Evergiven?”
If that podium get one more mic it will collapse.
Thanks to the Dutch firms Smith and co
Fabricated drama to increase the price of oil
Geez how many microphones were on that podium 😂😂😂
Maybe create another lane?
Incredible, the human being depends on the material, as a merchant ship can paralyze the world,
A dark day is going to come that we will not have electricity and there if we will see the catastrophic of the human being, we are so devious that a merchant ship controls the world today the stock markets fall and the people pay for human errors, is it natural?
All this is written, we no longer fear our creator and more worse things will come this is just the beginning, we must put God first, not man
Now the widening of the suez canal and a 2 way transit system is urgently required
Remarkable job by everyone who was involved.
Great news for supply chain world.
Can’t there just be one microphone that everyone listens to instead of 50 crammed around a guy?
Make a special dredging and tug team and then widen the canal.
Calling it EverGiven while what i see written is EverGreen!! 😳😭😭😭
Every company that relies on the Suez canal should stop being cheap and pitch in a little to make the canal better for todays massive cargo ships.
All they had to do was use the giant Gundam robot Japan built …… piece of cake ……..
Finally the bad approach of unskilled and poorly trained crew had been rectified and ship is free to sail. I can see the blame game of INDIAN crew onto Egyptian canal authority. It is absolutely rediculous. Truly, A BAD WORKMAN ALWAYS QUARRELS WITH HIS TOOLS.
Congrats to the brave men and women that were able to get hundreds of microphones in one extremely small area at one time for the news speaker to use.
@Oprah Benson feel free.
@Mark Christian okay… Do you know about forex trading ?
Great job of all the workers, that set the big ship free! Hip Hip Hooray! (:
Bravo to the Egyptian team
I was so concerned about this like my million dollars goods are stuck there.. well great news
It sounds as if they’re singing “We’re Number One!”
0:18 Imagine getting a bouquet of microphones for yout birthday.
India is a joker country
Oh Thanks God !
Respect to all honest hardworking salvagers! Ty!
good job!
The EverGREEN HRCll sails again!!!
They charge loads of money!!!! Spend the money in another line!!! Next to it! One to go,one to come back
The Evergreen. HRC ll sails again!!!
It’s refloated but it’s parked until inspection 🧐
63 billion $ and suez canal reopens. great job Mr sailor
Ever Give cargo ship was blocked by unprofessional indian crew who are mishandling the cargo ship.
The Evergivin???
@Oprah Benson The Evergivin??
If they had used more tugs with ropes and pulleys they could have pulled it free in a day. 18 hr set up and 6 hr dislodge. Get a better plan for next time. Let me know if you want to purchase some schematics. Seriously
Listing to port.
Oooh finally pulled out. Find a kitty your size man cuz this one too tight for ya
Let’s take a 1 minute silence for those who took the African route
That bouquet of Microphones looks hilarious.
Those mics 😹😹😹
I hope the Dutch have guided the captain & crew how to get to their destination safely and not get stuck again…
Congratulations to Jerusalem and the other side of Suis Canales and Egyptian citizens. Unfortunately, the government of Egypt seems played a roll in the ships unusual crisis to seek the world powerful leaders attention.
The world is watching the drama they are playing to halt Ethiopia from building Nile dam to save the poor citizens lives, yet Egypt is against the idea of her neighboring country grow or fight poverty.
It also says the Suez Canal Authority essentially has to “double track” (to use a railroad term) the entire Suez Canal from Port Said all the way to Suez.
Ever green
That “Help me step ship meme” lol
Hello there I’m connecting with business minded people with whom I can share a lucrative investment proposal that will earn you passive income without taking up your time if you decide to venture into it, can I share this with you?
I hope it gets stuck again
So when will have Canal in Gulf of Aqaba, Jordan Israel?
Sink it out of spite.
“It was one of the first ship to resumes its journey on Suez Canal“
Oo really… Was it!!??😅
Journalist doesn’t know much about a traffic block.. Huh… 😂😂
Alhumdullilah its freed safely
The Dutch did it again ,
Israel must take over this channel 6 day’s now 6 minute i guess
“it has taken er ( *_realizes doesn’t know how long it has taken_* ) ee as quick as possible er to to do this and… the the the high tides will have helped”
wow, must have cost Al Jazeera a few quid to secure such expert analysis.
One (not so major) problem since the beginning of the canal and everybody said time to look for another way ,,,, so stupid
They questioning everything , shut up and help tats the solution
Free the kids
“stricken ever-given”, it says EVERGREEN on the side of the ship,
microphones? YES!
Got microphones?
Dont be fooled people, this ships captain along with Communist China purposly stranded the ship to prevent world commerce from gaining ground just like Communist China engineered the Covid virus to Murder the worlds people. Wake up people and READ BETWEEN THE LINES… CHINA IS THE EVIL SATAN.
المسيح يسوع رسول الله دين اللة الإسلامي مافي شعي مسحي دين اللة واحد
It says Evergreen not Evergiven.
the ships name is evergiven
Make another way like in the north canal there is one for sound bound and north bound way..
I think I know what they’re shouting at 0:40 – “We’re # 2! Lunar tide is # 1! “
Pretty sure the beaching was planned
It says, “Evergreen” not “Evergiven” on the screen.
Hope they check the ship’s containers for trafficked children.
Does that guy have enough microphones?
I’m finally heading home🇮🇳
ربنا لا إله إلا أنت سبحانك سمعنا وأطعنا غفرانك ربنا وإليك المصير. سبحان الله. الحمد لله. الله أكبر. لا إله إلا الله. لا حول ولا قوة لنا إلا بالله العلي العظيم. أستغفر الله لي ولكم. حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل. وصل على نبي الله محمد. عدد خلقه ورضا نفسه وزنة عرشه ومداد كلماته وملئ موازينه لكل المؤمنين إلى يوم الدين سبحانك ربنا آمنا بك وبعظمة سلطانك اللهم تقبل دعاء.
Please translate English
That good good good thing 4All..
I’m wondering how many dead human trafficked in those containers…..
28 microphone to be exact
Awww sad news.. i was really hoping it would take years, only so that the sea could get a little more time to recover from all the destruction mankind is unleashing upon it.. but no, instead we see ignorant individuals cheering, everything’s back to normal *sigh*
A moment of silence for the ship that already sailing rounding africa
0:40 indian crew indians jaha bhi jaaye dance nahi bhulenge
The attack ended!
Did anyone realize & count how many mike there…?
Brought in an expert to say it was a “good job’ I think I’m in the wrong line of work.
So this is what the helmsman of the Exxon Valdez is doing.
She: “Come Over”
Captain: “But I Am At Suez Canal”
She: “ But No One Is At Home”
Real story is what is on board the Evergreen ship?
Main issue was that tugboats had to be dispatched from Rotterdam,. It took them a week to arrive.
The reason why these tug boats are stationed in Rotterdam is to clear local shipping lanes in the region whenever there is an issue. A couple of these boats should be stationed at the canal permanently to deal with issues like this in the future.
The company is called evergreen and the ship is called evergiven
Hehe now the terrorist will do this so they can collapse the economy wow that scary
This was Israel 🇮🇱 idea to make India do their dirty work for them so Israel can do what an alternative route in Israel instead of Egypt
There is no way this could happen it was deliberately blocked 😕people look at Israel already trying to make an alternative route which will go through Israel this was smart game played by Israel
Zabella gaheem
10.3 a5ap21
vst chl ,sch chl
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This isn’t first time that Japan fcked the world. Blame 30MPH wind for blockage is another lies created by Japenis. Japan stopped Russia from leaking Chernobyl nuclear accident water into ocean. Now they are saying that they will leak Fukushima radioactive water. If it’s clean then why are they fighting it so hard from IAEA from verify their data. Japenis government don’t have to say that they are lying about how radiated Fuckushima water is because their action tells it all. Japan with many earthquakes must not have any nuclear power station because it’s danger to the world.
Even the Evergreen transit are so sturbon on the road