Russian President Vladimir Putin has begun his rare trip to the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia where he is expected to discuss the war in Gaza, among others.
Al Jazeera’s diplomatic editor James Bays says Putin and the Gulf leaders he is meeting share a similar stance on the war and want a permanent ceasefire.
“It is interesting when they talk about the US’s role and the US abandoning the Palestinians and going around the Palestinians, actually that was done [by] the UAE … that’s one of the countries that signed the Abraham Accords with Israel. So I think there are possibly some differences there,” Bays noted.
“Russia has certainly taken a much tougher line with Israel since the start of this war than it has ever done in the past. It always had pretty good, cordial relations both with the Palestinians and the Israelis, we even saw a Hamas delegation going to Moscow. Despite that, though, Russia is still saying it wants to be involved in any solution to the conflict,” he added.
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#Russia #VladimirPutin #UAE #PutinInUAE #Putin #PutinGulfVisit #IsraelGazaWar #Israel #Palestine #Gaza #IsraelHamasWar #GazaUnderAttack #Hamas #AlAqsaFlood #Gaza #joebiden
Nice man Putin
Mr putin ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Pemimpin yang mempunyai kharisma,santai,santun,tegas dan anti lbgt,membawa kerukunan antar umat beragama dan merangkul semua 🙏
Mr Putin the man ❤❤❤
U-Tha-Man Vlad !
Dear aljazeera commentators, let me suggest Preparation H for the butthurt. Pass the tip along to your other western colleagues and thank me later.
Unbiased journalism, not!
Qataris should realise that their future lies with BRICKS and global south.Telling western narrative to viewers will not do any good to al Jazeera.
They issued an arrest warrant for protecting children and the Zionist regime that’s killing innocent people and children in Gaza
International law is a disgrace
Curses on the ICC
Imperator of the world
Why don’t you talk about arresting the criminal Zionists and their leaders you spineless hypocrites?
I can’t say here what I would like to say about him.
Putin the great .God bless Russia .
Dünya amerika ile avrupadan ibaret değil
Welcome Mr. Putin 💝💝💝✌️
Putin is the best of the best presidents i ever heard or seen in my life!
We love Russia, Al jaazera got it wrong with this guy
Do you all know that ukrainians are unfairly attacked? Yes?
remember, thats how isolation looks like
The Man, the Boss, the Tzar of all tzar, the one who has challenged the Beast ..may he be blessed…
lol this guy seems upset
Fake news
Silly West, always propping up dictators, this is why they’ll lose in the long run. Middle East are mostly dictators so going against Putin is going against dictator which is bad move.
Super power Russia 🪆
He didn’t want to visit South Africa because he don’t south Africa to be sanctioned but he is not afraid to visit there.
Did he not felt safe to visit South Africa lol laughable. This moment aljazera is a honest media and the next moment it switch to being a puppet of the west
Good reception. That’s how friends are greeted.
idiots talking about catch Putin….. Try to catch him lf you want World war collapse.
What a disgrace to have that creature, who has murdered thousands, be welcomed to any country.
This channel used to be a really good channel to watch,but now is just an Uncle Tom channel for America.
He was just in Asia..welcome by open arm by Asia and this…even in Africa and South America they like is he isolated?
He didn’t feel safe to visit South Africa 😂😂😂 Omar Bashir went to South Africa even with arrest warrant from ICC.
Ой не смешите это вас запад весь мир ненавидит. Сидите и гниете. Мерзостные тупые англосаксы. Это от вас весь мир изолируется, хватит нести чушь о изоляции империи составляющей 1/6 мира. Дебилы учите географию.
Tulsas own Aljazeera Radio
Putin is a dangerous virus.
putin ended the syria war ,he can end this one
Lea chefs d’etats Arabes sont des LACHES…Arab leaders..sisi.TRAITORS .the saudi family al saud.including Ben salman mohamed -shalmon the zionist TRAITORS …Morocco king the alcooholic..koweit king another traitor..Bahrein traitors..3 countries helping Palestine are YEMEN..QATAR ALGERIA…the rest into the 🚽🚽🚽🚽
Alhamdulillah, hayo saudaraku Arab Saudi bangun, sadar, sadar dan sadarlah, kembalilah ke syariah Islam, jangan mau dirayu sedikitpun untuk menjalin kerjasama dengan Negara Teroris Penjajah Zionis Israel yang biadab, “HARAM” hukumnya, segera tinggalkan Israel, boikot Zionis Israel dan produknya, lihat sejarah, dulu Negara Zionis Israel itu tidak ada, itu negara bentukan dari Yahudi dan sekutunya, sekarang malah menjajah Palestina, Lebanon dan sekitarnya, mereka menganggap selain Israel adalah binatang. Zionis Israel yang jahat harus lenyap lagi dari muka bumi ini.
Saudaraku Arab Saudi yang kaya raya cepat sadar dari gelimang hartamu, jangan sia-siakan hidup kalian di dunia ini agar tidak kena azab api neraka, mari kita bersama-sama menuju syurganya Allah, Dukung dan bantu kemenangan dan kemerdekaan saudara kita Palestina sampai titik darah terakhir, semoga Allah selalu melindungi kita, aamiin ya Allah. Free Palestine. Allahu Akbar Walillahilham.
Кажется, Запад сам себя изолировал, а не Россию😂
Восток плевал на решении суда в Гааге.
The POTUS UK EU has never been received this Highest Honor!
Semoga ada negara barat yg membantu peperangan di palestina..
Al Jazeera we know you you’re butthurt Qatar is left out but too bad.
Maybe next time.
This expert name James telling nothing.
😂😂😂😂😂russia 🇷🇺 #1❤
The mass murderer enjoys the pompous procedures while his guys are dying in Ukraine.
Icc 😂
Trying to?
US superpower is slowly fading. There is China. There is India. There are the Emirates. And Russia is currently showing that US superpower is not so super as they believe.
Well done Russia!!! Stay strong
When America is no longer hegemone, western leaders will have very few places to go.
How are you….jihadi Islamist channel… 😀
Poutine est un petit president sans envergure entouré de faux amis qu profitent de l imbécilite de leur pseudo chef!😊😊😊😊
😂😂😂Why doesn’t the US invade Russia and arrest PUTIN? If not the US, who will do it? I would like to see that Russian response show about the country that arrested PUTIN. Without a doubt VLADIMIR PUTIN IS THE BEST POLITICIAN TODAY
Наш ПРЕЗИДЕНТ!!!!!!!!!!!!!
кто как не он!!!!
Criminal buddies.
From India,🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳 Modi Zindabad, India Zindabad,
A great contrast and a message to the whole world from the UAE. Many say that a multipolar world will soon come, where the United States will no longer be able to dictate anything to anyone as a hegemon. So, in my opinion, this world has already come. And this wonderful technique is proof of that.👍
Our Lady said that Russia will be the instrument God will use to PUNISH THE WORLD.
Are the ICC Warrants still on BUSH & CHENEY? 😅😅😅
Joe Biden is a pedophile
The Jesuit Papacy controls both sides of the World Order.
The boss has landed!!!
Odisa cm world’s king’s world’s big level meeting odisa Dr man army’s man advocate man
Here is not the full video, Putin was given a lavish royal reception!
И ещё меня удивило что делают британские ведущие на арабском al jazeera 🤔
Truth cannot be isolated. Putin is a symbol of truth
Well done Mr putin
the most tolerant president in the world, does not destroy religion
We love Vladimir putin, from indonesia
Is he there to bail out of yet another pact to lower oil output to raise prices? Check it out. Russia has NEVER kept its promise and has EXCLUSIVELY been the first to back out. UAE surely will just laugh it off.
If Putin helps protect the Palestinians his standing in the Muslim world will grow exponentially and also in the wider world.He will be regarded as a giant.
inilah daftar nama babi-babi peliharaan amerika serikat dan israel : 1 saudi arabiya , 2 yordania , 3 bahrain , 4 mesir . mereka menyukai nonton film pembantaian rakyat palestina oleh israel dan amerika serikat serta inggris. hati mereka keras bagai batu , pembantaian rakyat gaza bagi mereka hal biasa , mereka lupa nabi MUHAMMAD SAW , telah bernubuat akan kehancuran babi-babi amerika ini diakhir zaman (tidak lama lagi ) kehancuran kerajaan arab saudi tinggal menunggu waktu.
you remember cour supreme federal Ethiopian my name???
camming soon back in time is not good retour
tonight.2023 federal Ethiopian good night
premier munist Obie Muhammad exipren federal democrat Ethiopian exipren parlement Ethiopian to night information documentary from Ethiopian about Washington DC computer 🖥️
good night thank you egain
population Ethiopian is not comfuction.bifour about lknow
good night
welcome perezida vradimire Putine Washington DC.periode.2016
problem security comfruct america
remember comfruct america traffic 🚦 selcle country america.???? from where
tonight command traffic ESPN.command traffic Mexican.command traffic cannada, command traffic Moscow Russia.
Washington DC computer 🖥️ thestroy family Washington DC?????
ロシアはドイツとフランスの戦車軍団に対抗できるのでしょうか? 現在のロシアは小さく貧しいウクライナすら攻め落とせません。
先制攻撃を受けた西側諸国が、中東、ロシア、中国を攻撃することを躊躇うでしょうか? それらの場所には膨大な資源が存在しています。
PUTIN ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Сказать вам что евреи думают ну не те евреи которые его послали парламентером к арабам а обычные евреи они думают так вот кабай полностью и скабаелся сошол с ума от молодой узбечки.
И оно так люди реально так старый мужик может сойти с ума от молодой женщины это учоные и старожылы говорят не я говорю . Но в одном он железно прав руский умер за еврея а еврей предал руского убил савок и вот он шас евреев и зажаревает.
Иш ты убили савок создали сибе жыдосики по гусударству личному Варонин у нас до того с ума сходил взял кодры огородил лес зделал своим но Путин ему сломал настроение.
If anything, Russia is actually now having more allies in the world than the west. It’s because the US government is acting without rational and creating more enemies worldwide than ever before. No country good leaders want to shake hands with a US president who supports genocide .