Ukraine’s Azov battalion has been the main force defending the city of Mariupol.
The group has a reputation for fighting fiercely, but it has also said to hold far-right views.
In 2016 the United Nations accused it of violating international humanitarian law.
In 2019, 40 US congress members unsuccessfully tried to designate the Azov as a Foreign Terrorist Organisation.
Russian President Vladimir Putin referenced the presence of such units within the Ukrainian military as one of the reasons for launching his so-called “special military operation – to de-militarise and de-Nazify Ukraine”.
The unit has denied it adheres to Nazi ideology as a whole, but Nazi symbols such as the swastika and SS regalia are rife on the uniforms and bodies of Azov members.
The Azov battalion understands it has a neo-nazi image problem but to change it will require support from the rank and file, many of whom are suspected of having far-right links.
Al Jazeera’s Imran Khan reports from the Ukrainian capital Kyiv.
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#UkraineWar #AzovBattalion #A3OB
The Nazis have invetsigsted themselves and cleared themselves of any wrongdoing
They deny it but they have an ss emblem on their flag wow
Most ukrainians don’t support the azov Battalion as anti-semitic group but they do support them as of a military group yes they may have some anti-semitic ties to them but they’re just trying to fend off the Russians
This is the best take. We support them as long as they are fighting the Russians. The racism is bad.
Russia is Nazis, but not Azov. And if you pour Russian propaganda into people’s ears, then you are also Nazis, you support the killing of innocent children and people in Ukraine, Syria, Moldova, Georgia, Afghanistan, Chechnya, etc.!
Oh hush. The majority of the planets population is not of the same mind as you.
if you arent a bot, your an idiot
@@ArmyOfAll Who are you to sign for the whole planet and what right do you have to judge the Ukrainian army without knowing it???
@@n1j6jboth Russia and Ukraine have Nazis just wasting Americas tax money.
Both are fascists, that’s what happens in capitalism, always.
Logo’s for a battalion dont lie, is Wolfsangel SS an blacksun.A wolf in sheep clothes are just wolfs
Rusia es el país con más agrupaciones neonazis del mundo y además muchas de ellas con el apoyo del Kremlin.
Comenzando por el Grupo Wagner, que debe su nombre al compositor favorito de Adolf Hitler. Su líder, Dmitri Utkin, es un Neonazi declarado que tiene el cuerpo tatuado con insignias nazis y que fue el líder que coordino la invasión a Crimea y Donbas en 2014 y fue condecorado por Vladimir Putin en 2016 con la orden al valor y es muy cercano a Putin. Este grupo de mercenarios ha sido condenado por crímenes de guerra en Siria, Libia, República Centroafricana y Ucrania, que incluyen tortura sin límites y la decapitación de rehenes y ha violado el embargo de armas en varios países traficando armas.
Tambien está la Unidad Nacional Rusa, a la que pertenece Pavel Gubarev, autoproclamado gobernador de Donetsk. Este movimiento apuesta directamente por la expulsión de Rusia de todos los considerados no rusos, como los judíos y los inmigrantes con tendencias nacionalsocialistas.
El Movimiento Imperial Ruso es un grupo político y social fundado por Aleksandr Duguin, aliado de Putin que promueve la restauración de la monarquía en Rusia y se opone a las políticas liberales y democráticas. El movimiento fue fundado en 2010 y está liderado por Nikolai Ivanovich Romanov, un pariente lejano del último zar de Rusia.
El Batallon Varyag, líderado por el neonazi Alexander Matyushin, este es un regimiento paralimitar ortodoxo, fascista, compuesto por voluntarios ultraderechistas e involucrado en la batalla en el aeropuerto de Donetsk. Toman su nombre de los vikingos suecos de los siglos IX y X. Se considera un grupo separatista y nacionalista y ha sido acusado de cometer crímenes de guerra.
El Movimiento Nacional Ruso: Es un grupo neonazi ruso que promueve la supremacía blanca y la xenofobia. Ha perpetrado ataques violentos contra inmigrantes y minorías étnicas.
El Partido Nacional-Bolchevique de Rusia: Es un partido político ruso fundado en los 80s por Aleksandr Duguin y que combina elementos del comunismo y el ultranacionalismo. Acusado de participar en manifestaciones violentas y disturbios callejeros.
El Frente Nacional de Rusia: Es un grupo ultranacionalista ruso fundado por Aleksandr Barkashov en 1990, que promueve la expansión territorial de Rusia y la expulsión de inmigrantes, promueve el racismo y la xenofobia. Vinculado con acciones extremistas y ataques violentos contra inmigrantes y minorías étnicas.
El Movimiento Eurasia: Es un movimiento político ruso que promueve la idea de una “Eurasia unida”, que incluye a Rusia, Asia Central y partes de Europa. Ha sido criticado por promover ideas autoritarias y antidemocráticas.
El Movimiento Partizan” que se describe a sí mismo como un grupo de defensa patriótico y se opone a la migración y el “globalismo”. Esta organización ha sido vinculada con actividades violentas contra migrantes y minorías étnicas en Rusia.
Pero los más sanguinarios despues de los Wagner son los voluntarios de la ‘Task Force Rusich’.Esta organización está acusada de crímenes de guerra y es conocida por una brutalidad despiadada contra sus víctimas. El grupo paramilitar más temido de Rusia saltó a la luz tras desplegarse en el Dombás en 2014. Entonces, sus líderes se fotografiaban con cabezas de cachorros de perros y cortaban orejas a los ucranianos asesinados.
Todo y todos con la complicidad de Vladímir Putin y del regimen dictatorial ruso. Hay muchos más movimientos neonazis en Rusia que en cualquier país del Mundo.
Rusia cuenta con las instalaciones del Club Partizan, un campo de entrenamiento militar en Rusia para los neonazis del mundo ubicado en las afueras de San Petersburgo que es un centro de adiestramiento militar de varios movimientos neonazis, incluyendo Batallón Varyag y el Grupo Wagner. Hasta allí han llegado tambien grupos supremacistas estadounidenses y de extrema derecha europeos ha entrenarse militarmente. Miembros de la organización Atomwaffen, neonazis de Estados Unidos con filiales en Alemania, Canadá y Suecia recibieron entrenamiento militar en el club partizan en Rusia.
Tambien tenemos el Campo de Entrenamiento Imperial Ruso que es un campo de entrenamiento militar y paramilitar en la región de Krasnodar, en el sur de Rusia, que es utilizado por grupos de extrema derecha y neonazis rusos. Fue fundado en 2015 por el líder del Movimiento Imperial Ruso, Alexander Dugin cercano a Putin, y ofrece entrenamiento militar y político a miembros y agrupaciones simpatizantes del movimiento.
Este campo de entrenamiento cuenta con varias instalaciones, incluyendo campos de tiro, salas de entrenamiento, alojamiento y zonas de ocio. El entrenamiento se centra en habilidades de combate, como el manejo de armas y técnicas de combate cuerpo a cuerpo, pero también se enfoca en la ideología del movimiento, que promueve la supremacía rusa y la expansión del territorio ruso.
El Campo de Entrenamiento Imperial Ruso ha sido objeto de controversia debido a sus actividades extremistas y a su conexión con grupos violentos y terroristas en Rusia y otros países. Las autoridades rusas han negado cualquier vínculo oficial con el campo de entrenamiento y han dicho que tomarian medidas para cerrarlo en el pasado, aunque sigue operando de manera clandestina.
Así como los terroristas islámicos peregrinaban al califato del ISIS para recibir entrenamiento militar. La extrema izquierda lo hizo por años a Argelia, Cuba o Alemania del Este. Ahora, los neonazis del mundo reciben instrucción en el manejo de armas y explosivos en el club partizan en Rusia y en el campo de entrenamiento imperial Ruso.
Esta es una realidad de la que no hablan los enemigos de la democracia que apoyan al regimen criminal Ruso y su criminal lider.
Go Russia! Go Putin!
This Ukrainian nationalists azov is primarily formed to resist russian imperial oppression.
Glory to the heroes of azov battalion
🤣 bro u so dumb
@badass6954 Funny, that’s not what the civilians they held in the basements of tower blocks and azov steel had to say of them.
But they can’t resist Russian bombs and missiles
Imagine simping for naz*is
Maybe look at this then go watch the Christchurch massacre clown
Azov regiment with the WOLFSANGEL of the 2nd SS-Panzerdivision “das Reich”.
Oh yes – truly defenders.
Simply look at the WOLFSANGEL it’s right in front of your eyes (you idiots). What else do you need?
Fun Fact: The Logo Of Azov Battalion Looks Like The Logo Of The 2nd-SS Division “Das Reich”
I’m so happy the comments show people have been paying attention and see behind the veil of this whole charade.
This is Russian propaganda.
No these are uk or RRussians in Uk, that are extremist. are againt Russia anss Ukraind. like isis.
bro they literally admit to being nazis and all the far-right guys in russia have defected to Ukraine lmao. you support nazi’s just admit it
Ok bot
@@shaneprince6572 Blatant lie
They have to deny it if they want to keep their $$$ rolling in.
The symbol on their flags and insigniais are SS or ZZ icons…
These guys have a track record of telling the truth. NOT.
Oh a british reporter is asking the question, must mean azov is telling the truth, Nazis!
Azov love white pride!
Europe: nah they arent n@z!s
also them:
Lets them, they are just lying about everything, europe banned every medias and also poeples on social medias from russia, why do they do that, and some poeples think by doing that the truth will be heard, this video is classed as a fake news and a russian propaganda and can be canceled on youtube, just imagine russia releasing REAL videos like this, but with live footage on combats, this is what russia tv are showing, and that not what europe are showing they just glorified ukraine, their are telegrams of that, i follow wagner telegram, wich is very good on information, when they sayed they almost taken bakhmout with showing plans, europe are saying ukraine is doing very very good in bakhmout and wagner struggle alot there
So what if they are nazis, I would want to have such a nationalist group in my country
Lol a lot of republican Americans don’t wanna support Ukraine cause of money and of course Nazis are pretty much democrats mate pretty much the KKK also Joe biden used to have a KKK friend and wasn’t Hitler was against Ukraine????
This is not what you think, patriots and nationalists are not the same, nationalists are technicly the hooligans of politics
Our tax dollars… Funding Nazis.
Our tax dollars should be funding israel and RUSSIA!!!How dare we fund our white brothers in ukraine!!
Look inside in any major world power with huge standing armies of 100s of thousands of men and woman and you will find plenty of bad thinking individuals in all of them.. Even in your country’s army where you are reading this.
The problem is that, before the invasion began Ukrainian authorities forbade Russian language use in education and government and also acknowledged and incorporated Azov Batallian chapters into the nation’s own official defense force. This is unacceptable. I get it as an emergency compromise during an existential war whose bill is almost wholly footed by the US, but clearly, extreme ethnic intimidation with the aim of encouraging self-exhile of Russian speaking and identifying citizens of the Ukraine into Russia was the goal of this group prior to the war.
shame on you for this bullshit
You still closed you eyes, when will you open it, even ukrainians in ukrainian videos are saying they are naz*s, you dont understand ukrainians are actors😂 and you all, only poeples with little brain fall in their trap, you are now pro ukrianian and everything russia will say or anyone will say something against ukraine you will denie it even its true
Is it bullshit when ukraine just cancel religions in the country ?😮
The US sure always loved Nazis 😂
Shame on the Germans for turning a blind eye on the ultra far, extreme right nationalist, radical white supremacist fanatic Azov Battalion.
We don’t care as long as they are destroying Russian invaders.
funny how they were talking in Russian back then and recently they switched to Ukrainian (Polish-Russian)
The term far right is kinda insane
It is true. There is actual Nazis in Ukraine.
The Azov Battalion is fighting off Invaders & I could care less less what “Symbols” its using. As a true American I care about Actions not Words or Symbols. The truth is Symbols mean what the people using them intend them to mean. The Swastika is thousands of years old & the Cross has been used by many groups. If I see people fighting for there Freedom I could care less about what symbols they wear. The Irony is America is supposed to be the True Beacon of such ideas of Freedom or Expression of Freedom of Speech & et I see a lot of Americans crying & belly aching over Symbols which are Expression. A person’s Actions is what defines a person. If your programmed to react to Symbols you need to get control over your own mind & stop being a sheep for someone else’s benefit.
hahaha, true american, how many times has your country invaded others? or you do not understand it is completely different
As an American, you are an idiot for believing this. Wait till you do more research about the Azov batallion where their roots are from. US government are funding modern nazis
Bro you are an american, think about your country, these guys want biden stays american president, what you want trump, and this guys hates trump because trump want to made peace with russia
Agree 100% my brother.
@@orangecobraeu5198 Trump wants Ukraine to surrender. That will never happen.
Most of them has already ended up KIA
I guess for the West Neo-Nazis are fine so long as they are anti-Russian…
What’s a TERRIST organization???
Idc, if they liberating ukriane they aint doin nothing wrong
Nazis and Slavs at the same time? Sound ironic doesn’t it? I don’t think Hitler would approve that
This is why these guys fight russia, they are russophobes as F*
That happens cause you lack some more profound knowledge about History, search abou SS Galicia and Stepan Bandera.
Why does the Wolfsangel look like a mirrored SS rune in its flag?? ….and who was Andriy Biletsky?
Azov are racist nazis, most of them have been killed by the Russians
This guys are on regular army and the army is fascist
Simply, Azov is militia men defending their own land/country. Wagner group is militia men who invade other countries. Wagner has operated in at least ten countries across three continents: Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Syria, Sudan, Mozambique, Central African Republic, Mali, Libya, Madagascar.
I say buy a gun and DEFEND YOUR GD LAND!
So America has thrown its might behind the folks who share the historical thoughts of Mr. Adolf. Yet, America claims to not welcome those with such beliefs.
Fun Fact the Waffen SS where also the German “toughest fighters” when they where not just committing crimes against humanity.
They are literally nazis. It takes 3 seconds to find tons of articles dating back to 2014 showing this clear as day. But there were no chemical labs on the border either right? Smh there is no hope for us.
bruv, Azov are nazis, not associated with them.
You can’t back out and bluff now, few days ago cnn reporter was taking interview with ukranian soldier and that soldier had a national sign on his cap, later that cnn video was taken down. Don’t ever bs anyone saying you don’t have nazis there anymore, your cover got blown by yours truly America who support terrorism it seems
Its like the pope saying there are no paedophiles in the church
Aljazeera turned during the Iraq war…i guess the alphabets bought them out.
ukraine behind the scenes
they’re flag has the “black sun” lol.
Now i have justificatiom for my support of russia
Slava UKRAINI o/
Unlike the nazis. Even with natos entire ecin9my and military. U stulk cant push an army using t54s and ww2 systems out
I am relief, now I can support Ukraine again, thanks Al jazeera for lecturing me, the minister of truth
Both countries have fascists groups! And you’re reading it, prepare yourself cause your country probably have fascists too, as fascism is not something exceptional, but a constant mass movement to keep capitalism alive.
There were labeled a terrorists group before the war. What happened?
Here they are
No wonder white european Americans support Ukraine 😂
Ukrainians are Nazis!
And what’s wrong with that?
ah if only Adolf liked you jew XD
The Ukraine have lotts off members in the SS from 40 till the end of second ww my granddad have told me this he was a SS division langemark Belgium flemish SS he was station 2 years in ukraine and from there the start to stallingrad whit them.. the symbol what the azov Bataljon gott now is the same like in the 40
Duh. They are like the Arian nation. Different sects and not one will claim the other.
Glory to Russia 🇷🇺
Khazarian AshkeNAZI Bastardos
Zelensky just thought those lightning bolts just meant they where electricians👀the salute was just because they where figuring out what time it was and they where using their body as a sun dial😂they’re all liars especially Zelensky, a president who wears the same m combats and a T-shirt everyday😂he’s just grabbing money and running
Liars Ukraine is full of them, they’re Russians and they’re bad liars too I wouldn’t trust a Ukrainian as far as I could throw one
Let them destroy the Russians and then deal with them afterwards.
Nice propaganda…*smh*
Thank God a lot of people are woke now in regards to what is really going on.
The west should know about the truth about ukraine and not lesson to ukraineon propaganda. It is up to you western pepal who support ukraine.
Смотрите люди нет в Украине нацистов
индусы, арабы, цыгане мигрируют в Европу ради блондинок, так что нацисты правы, защищая свою страну
@@sirpepper9412stop interfering with people’s countries then.
Also in the news: Pope denies Roman Catholicism association.
Слава Україні 🇺🇦❤️
Personally i dont belive they are nazis but its good they get to fight the russians again just like ww2
Like ss galacia did?
wtf??? ur brain is dead
Continue the good work Russia
Why are these the only Nazis the media give a pass too
Who cares. Im so glad to see so many triggered Russians here, suck it!
Thing is as in ww2 Ukrainians joined the ss to fight against Russia and its allies clearly to defend their country now they are doing the same as their ancestors we would all so the same don’t lie
Stop Associating nazis with far right groups, they’re not. They’re just like the democrats….
Your translator sucks why have a translator when it has a thick slavic accent why not get a british or american to translate instead
Ukraine, its people, and its heroes defending their land.
Looks like Naught Sees now, for sure.
*wears klanhood*
“I resent that comparison…”
Will a criminal admit that they are a criminal?
“We’re not nazis”
*uses Wolfsangel and Black sun on its flag*
Zelensky said that he is a Jew and there is no Nazism in Ukraine. Western politicians believe him. in Canada, Zelensky greeted the SS veteran as a fighter against the Russians
Bro Ive been saying this
@@maximusroomtdght6418he says it because he wants support he’s a n@zi
NATO promote Nazism concept to Ukraine for more then 35 years
They are neo nazis and there are lots of documented proof online. POINT !
I bet you the Westerners supporting them are the same kind of people who believe Holocaust deniers should be jailed.
Massive hypocrisy.
Weird I know what their symbols mean … the US government is supporting nazis blatantly and I cant support it
In 2016,Russian President Vladimir Putin decorated Dmitry Utkin with the Order for Courage for his services in Ukraine.
Dmitry Utkin was a Wagner Group soldier who sported two SS tattoos along with a N*zi eagle on his shoulders and chest respectively. Utkin ultimately died in the Prigozhin plane crash.
There are some N*zis in Ukraine. There are also some N*zis in Russia.
Canada parliament
National-socialism not is extreme-right! Hitler claiming right to capitalist Jewish reactionary!
National-socialist is a new socialism!
Dumbass, hey when you’re at War see you ain’t playing no freaking games and trying to be politically correct it’s killed The Other M FRS have a nice day dumbass
Slavs have this complex illusion that they’re Arian. I don’t know who prints their school history books.
Ukraine Nazis – russian propaganda
ukraina sama się pogrąża nie potrzeba rosyjskiej propagandy 😂
The Ukraine symbol can represent revenge on white people for the night of king knives where Jews were killed as justice for the many white children they kidnapped or bought and raped and tortured/sacrificed to consume their blood like in psalm 68:23 (where feet also means genitals) and/or to work with demons. See the two knives on each side of the symbol?
The thing in the middle of the symbol is the eye of a needle which represents Hebrew kof which means monkey/qlipoth (for the “other side”) and it also looks like a spoon which is Hebrew kaf which can mean palm as demons are said to hide behind palm trees and a palm of the hand represents sacrifice for being the #5.
Queen Nefertiti and others wore eye makeup with that eye needle because it also represents scooping eye(s) out like she is sometimes shown with a missing left eye. The vision of most people can be seen on the other side so the torturer’s don’t want the people on the other side to see who is torturing them and what they’re doing. Like in the hostel movie where they scoop the eye out while torturing them.
Some Ukraine soldiers (there are many that are Jewish or satanist) have been enslaving, raping, and/or torturing/sacrificing Ukrainian people.
He said come talk to us 😂 how dumb an stupid do you think we are did you really think your lies an munipulating ways have gone unnoticed 😂coward
Nacisms Ukrainā ir iemesls kara darbībai no Krievijas Federācijas puses… 2024. gada rudenī būs Krīvijas uxbrukums Baltijas vslstīm… vai ASV mūs aizsargās, vai NATO 5. pantu ievēros… nē, nē, nē jo Amerikāņu karaviri muka no Taliban kaujeniekiem… un tie ir tikai teroristi… Īstš karš padaulē nāk no Krievijas… Artilērijas un Dfonu kari… Padaules līderi? Varbūt jāsāk pārrunas kamēr vēl nav par vēlu?????