European Union leaders are meeting in Brussels to draw up a seven-year budget plan as they try to fill an $81bn deficit left by the United Kingdom’s departure from the bloc.
But getting all 27-member states to agree is not proving to be easy as richer and poorer states argue over how large their contributions should be.
Al Jazeera’s Neave Barker reports from Brussels.
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#Brexit #EUBudget #AljazeeraEnglish
Oh. Look at that. Corrupt people running out of other people’s money. INTERESTING
Thanks for explaining both sides of the debate. I was wondering which countries were arguing for higher contributions to the EU but only ever heard about “The Frugal Four” from the media in my country (Sweden).
The UK cash cow is now dry . My suggestion for the EU. is better get used to that .
The price is wrong because the corrupt globalist NWO wannabees crashed my English pound on the world stage and I will get compensation from these thieving scum one way or another.
ASEAN to EU >>🤣😂
And to think the unpatriotic moronic remoaners still want to be a part of this soon to be obsolete regime,IT BEGGARS BELIEF!
The Eu Clowns didn’t call the UK ‘ Treasure Island ‘ for nothing LOL They are in full blown panic mode right now and they have no answer to Boris just saying we are leaving LOL
The cash cow has gone. Toodle pip!
They kept telling us we couldn’t join.
And speaking for me, the Greece crisis was the last straw – they loaned Greece money they didn’t actually have the capital to underpin. But they then dictated terms to Greece so the EU would ultimately profit from the loan while saving the Euro.
The EU – _”Time to die.”_
No worries, it’s all meaningless fiat currency anyway. You own nothing.
It cost money, common law rights and freedoms. The BORG.
The EU won’t exist in 2050. The UK fled that sinking ship. I wouldn’t blame France and Germany if they left either.
The UK won’t exist in 2050. Ireland will unite and Scotland will join the EU.
Haha goodbye The EU from the UK.
EU is a sinking ship and the sooner it sinks the better and stop the drain of taxpayers money being drained by brussels
So England took it’s 81 billion because they were getting short-changed like the frugal four? I can see why they left.
Poland & Hungary should leave the EU and support each other through free trade + military cooperation
That’s the dumbest idea I heard in a while.
HAHAHAHA got a better one?
@Shaun Whitehead No need, because it’s too obvious that you have no clue what you’re talking about.
@Monsieur Sloth Yep I thought so, begone leftie EU supporter
The UK owes the EU nothing
The price for control of your country and to have control of who comes in that is the main advantage of Brexit
Independent country who makes there own choices so let’s see who has success after Brexit. Will the eu ever be able to balance there books
France end Germany get ready to pay morr taxes
The EU need your money to feed the poor Romanian end Bulgarian people
81 billion $ is nothing compared to Germany 243 billion end France 170 billion
Even Italy pay more than uk
Yeah, but who is going to fill that $81 billion void?
Socialist believe only the government control all money. All businesses and markets be owned by the government and resources distributed to people based on what the government thinks people need. If you want to know what the government thinks you need look at the United Nations documents. People only need 80sqft per person to live in. No meat eat bugs or soy for protein. No cars. No home ownership. Two sets of clothes. This is a real document and typical of what they believe. So if you are a single woman making $100k a year,all of your money would go to the government. You would live in a tiny government apartment. By law would have to live a certain distance from work. Use your food ration book standing in line to receive your daily food and other supplies. Think It’s a lie? Look at Mao china,Soviet Russia with Stalin. Castro and chey guavera Cuba and now Venisuella. Hundreds of millions of people starved to death because of socialism and the elites became wealthy kings having the people celebrate their birthday as a national holiday. Today socialist say don’t worry it will work this time. We just need to find the right people to run everything. Don’t buy into it.
“We want a deal” – this is what trade agreement is and means. But the British people have not voted for a deal! Until today the British goverment can not understand this? Why? I do not know but I love all wrong deals our govermens.
So long as it’s not the uk problem anymore I don’t care
The top people in the eu are a shower .As for Macron he is a dead duck & Brexit has nothing to do with his down fall . vicktory aux gilets jaunes
Meanwhile, in my country, Portugal, the government is getting fat. 70 members for 10 million citizens. Germany has 34 members of state. Keep paying Europeans. Portuguese socialists need your money.
Britain can join Canada.. Australia and us as partners… EU.. not required. !
Never happen..bye bye ..Britain Fist
How is this different from a divorce, where you have to run two households, on the income as when you were one household.
In conclusion, those countries formerly of East Europe are the poorest under the Communist Block or COMECON. Ever realised how many East Germans died trying to climb the Berlin Wall to escape the hardship under the ‘ THE SICKLE & THE HAMMER’. Well, this is indeed ‘The Tale of Two Cities!’
this money should now be used to fix the uk
time for austria to leave.
Germany and France should pay more, as they’re the ones who benefit indirectly, whilst pretending they’re doing the rest of the EU a favour. Germany with it’s massively under valued Euro, helping drive their export based economy, and France receiving enormous support for its inefficient agricultural sector and its way of life in general (anybody that thinks France has been a net contributor over the last 40 years is naive and should travel around France)
It’s so nice that the folks in the EU are finally figuring out what happens when you run out of other people money. They will learn nothing from this. Thank god England finally got the balls to stand up for itself.
Let us hope more countries will follwo. This is a bad moneugrabbing, powerhungry beast
I’m all for the EU sure i think alot of things can be better but i don’t think we’d be better off without it. However i live in the netherlands and per capita we already pay the most of all the nations. I think the EU should be schrinking their budget after brexit. im not going to whine about how bad we have it but i do think that making the working class pay even more in taxes will only sow dissent en turn the opinion of the EU even more against it.
Who cares,EU it’s Dead. Long live Brittania 💪😎
We can only wish them well and hope that inefficiency will no longer be rewarded with grant payments.
They took the UK for granted for too many years… big mistake.
Wake up!!!!
From England. I cannot understand why the German people are standing for it, 20 now 25% of the EU budget payed by Germany, that is crazy.
Germany and France can replace it.. there sorted it for them.. their only worried about is there billions they can spend on expenses and ridiculous costing meals with the best CHAMPAIGN money can buy in their members only European luxurious hotel parliament buildings.. all living like billionaires.. calling themselves the Elite politicians!? Hmmmmmm sell your arses for the deficit
Eu is not mandated by people this is an evil self serving organization, country in Europe should run away from this as far as possible😏
EU is broke!!
This is what healthy partnership is all about. Yes, there will be hard discussions and compromises but that is reality in any healthy relationship. The EU will also discuss the subsidies the UK were receiving for their agricultural products and how that money can be reallocated. The UK will now pay more for cars and produce they get from EU countries as they are no longer a member (which is fair). Try going into Costco and getting Member Pricing when you are not a Costco Member.
In 20 years time, the UK will be full of Chinese cars (with Rover badges on them) as that will be all they can afford.
I don’t know what they’re spending those billions on
Oh dear…..I wonder who the EU are going to try and mug off now, now the brits have gone….we were always mugged by these clowns for money….and we stumped up each year like dummies. Big reality check now…..hey EU clowns, example: Bulgaria and Romania has loads of money to bail you out…..sorry what was that????…….Exactly zero€€€€ to offer, so why did you invite them in, you would do better having turkey as a major EU partner they are commercially rich, big in manufacturing and exports, financially stable…..but you all got hung up on their human rights trivia, Oh sorry what does Bulgaria and Romania and other minors offer…..uhhmm let me think, people trafficking, dodgy meet products, drugs, scamming, robbing, corruption, and all sorts of what we dont need crime stuff….and generally up to cross border no good stuff….if you want the EU model to be a success….cut loose all the dross, non contributors and hand out partners, max the EU at up to 10 top winners….or just bin the whole idea of the original “common market” …..and all do our own thing…..remember the song “he ain’t heavy he’s my brother”……well very soon you guys in Brussels will be carrying over 20 plus dead beat brothers on your back….fact.???
Germans now must pay your dues , Angela Merkel invited in the third world Islamist now you must pay for her stupidity and treason .
The eu the most corrupt system out there . Thankgod we’re out
This is what happens when you try and centralise an economy, that money they pay would be better off in there own country
This is where EU should step up to the plate. No money squandering but lay out a new, ambitious, daring budget to address projects for all of Europe. Climate, social issues, inequality, economics. UK may be out but we’re all in. Groundbreaking policies and a strong financial and social foundation. Make EU ready for a future where Europe leads the way. Stop squabbeling, get to it, now.
In the words of Marie Antoinette: ‘’let them eat cake’’.
Funny! The extreme Brexit opinion on the bus (Without rebates and subsidies to Britain) showed us 13 bn a year.
You really have to improve math education.
Btw you show the flag of Luxemburg.
That’s why the U.K. ruling elite stitched up and lied to the U.K. people to create this shitfuckery. One world one people. Peace love and stars.
al jazeerah digging in the dregs, tea leaf journalism to pander to the brexiteer segment…low integrity hyperbole
It’s all going to plan for the Russians
The Americans and the Chinese are loving it too
The European union and the United kingdom have officially bin removed as competitors for trade
The best country left the EU because being taken for fools is not nice
Now the EU Titanic can sink without pulling Britain into it’s disastrous fate. Good luck to those who stay on board.
Glad to see the EU blow itself apart.
86 billion shortfall ….the EU took the UK for a ride ….we have had austerity and no money for the NHS but we were keeping the EU afloat …..the cohesion states effectively addicts for EU subsisidy
Not so cocky now are they??😂👍🏻
Bismillah. EU will fall.
I don’t suppose the EU’s officials will take a paycut?
The EU should ask the Brexit remainers for donations to help them survive, they would feel proud to help.
Typical the UK are bast**rds according to Tusk and Barnier BUT now we have the TRUTH. The EU only wanted UK money and now it is clear that the newest East European members are going to loose the “BRIBES” they were promised to join the EU. Eastern Europe Countries join the “New European Partnership” with the UK and leave France, Germany and Southern Ireland on their own, it should be clear that they have no intention of fulfilling their promises of EU subsidies. Vladakar GONE, Merkel on the way out and Macron dead in the water! The “New European Partnership” will have the advantage of Trading Deals across “The Commonwealth” nations. EU will never see the divorce Bill with its current negotiations, either a deal or No Deal = No Divorce Settlement, well done Barnier/Tusk, take the Billions out of your pension schemes !!!!
*What a ridiculous state of affairs, all those ‘PIGS’ (Portugal, Spain, Greece & Ireland) wondering how they will manage their pathetic economies without enormous EU Support – In a Word CRAZY.*
1:25 *They should not even been allowed in the EU – (Poland & Hungary) absolute disgrace.*
2:05 *Lovely Jubbly – wonderful to to witness this – France Protests again, just you wait Mr Froggy when you are banned from nicking our fish in Territorial Waters, go fish elsewhere I say, you have over 2,000 Miles (3427 KM to you) so drop you hooks and you might catch an occasional kipper, but NOT FROM US*
All this farmer look like communist.
Good job UK left the EU. The lazy countries are supported by the Richer Countries. This is not a Democracy, it’s a Dictatorship.
Scroungers wanting more of other people’s money, isn’t socialism grand eh? Yeah about 2 grand a year in extra tax payments you eussr puppets.
it’s always about money, the UK lost out by its membership in the EU.
Absolutely brilliant and the EU clowns still haven’t got the message, they want to carry on spending more with billions less what sort of morons are these people. We are taking back our country and we want no alignment with the EU so WTO here we come.
Down with the EU,Britain historically always gets it right
Forever European but no longer part of the E.U.
U talk about others. Idiot.
Brit are a nation of idiots.
Too lazy for Europe
A danger for America
A real danger
Britannia have a nickname. INDIA. U are took by indians and make others poor?
Rasists, lazy and corrupt. =British
The lies we were told about how much we pay to the European mafia, now you see the true cost to the United Kingdom.
May has cost us billions for the delays of getting out of this European mafia.
Where’s the laughing emoji, oh there it is 😂
Haha.. the globalist clowns in the EU were saying UK would lose out from Brexit. But look lefties, where we hear bad news now. More trouble ahead for EU.
Toothpaste is out of the tube…🇬🇧💶💷…😅
$81 billion…..
Now that UK has left the EU, will it encourage/inspire other European countries to do the same?
If food is going to be more expensive and hard to grow then the simple solution is to reduce the human population across the whole of Europe in fact the whole of the Earth.
it’s time the human race woke up to reality and got the intelligence to talk about depopulation and how we are going to manage our species so it can live in harmony within this confined space instead of just mindlessly multiplying and destroying it along with itself.
the time to put the future of our species ahead of personal gain, ahead of making money has come because at the end of the day if we are not here then money is meaningless the so is jobs. we need to get our priorities right. our future before personal greed.
less people the less ground you will need to grow food better quality food you will have, a better quality of life you will have as well.
everything points to reducing the human population, look at the coronavirus and how easy it has spread across the planet this is because this too many people on the planet there is too many people freely moving around the planet it is a recipe for disaster and the coronavirus is just the tip of the iceberg that’s going to come because it will.
It’s time for the human race to stop ignoring the dangers and start facing the truth, because at the moment it has put making money and endless growth higher on the list than its own existence.
that’s why our problems are getting worse not getting better, building more homes is not going to solve the housing problem, building bigger hospitals is not going to solve the waiting list, embracing more and more dangerous methods to try and keep up with the endless growth in people is not going to solve anything.
It is bringing our population down to an acceptable level that each landmass can naturally support getting rid of this ridiculous incompatible system of economic growth and adopt in a community system that doesn’t need endless growth to feed it.
For capitalism to work with a fiat currency as it’s basis the population must continue to expand. The more people the more destruction, this is going to carry on until you self-destruct Well you people today will not see this policy which you in embrace so enthusiastically fully mature in your lifetime. maybe that’s the problem what you are refusing to see because it won’t happen in your lifetime.
France will have to pay a lot more which is going to go down really well.
Nice to watch them sort it out and some of them will have to think where the money came from. No wonder so many countries wanted to join a club where you get given billions of £ for free, complete no brainer. Different when you are the country paying. Germany and France can just contribute more or the rest take less.
The frugal 4 pays more than it receives.
Isnt that one of the reasons why Brexit happened?
innocents Pakistanis in (Roeslare, Belgium ) 👉🏽 👨👩👦👦👨🎓👩🎓📱💻🔫🚶🏽♂️attack, Afghanistanis 👈🏽 report send to 👉🏽🗽 Roeslare) Belgium, 😱 👉🏽 +32 465 78 32 75
With the economic shutdown due to Coronavirus the BREXIT hole in the budge will be insignificant. The organisation exists on a percentage of GDP. Each and every member is suffering significant economic contraction which in turn means the EU funding is contracting too. There are only 6 nett contributors to the EU. The UK is leaving at years end and the other 5 especially Italy is in the midst of a major catastrophic financial disaster. Forget the losses from the EU leaving, the 5 remaining nett contributors aren’t going to be paying in enough to fund current commitments, never mind anything else in their wild fantasy’s.
The EU is effectively through, it’s going to be financial starvation that finally ends the organisation. It’s just a matter of how hard they cling to things, and who they take with them as they demand and force already suffering nations to fund delusional desperate attempts to survive.
Free lunch is over
Germany like the UK are sick of propping up the other EU countries. Its all going to end in tears. Remember when the Lisburn treaty come in totally next year you will all be locked in and Poland and Bulgaria and Lithuania and all the net takers can relax as its money they can get out and never pay it back. Good Luck Germany France and Ireland. You will be paying forever.
0:57 Where is Germany?