The first civilian flight has left Kabul’s airport since the Taliban took over Afghanistan.
The airport has not been operational since US troops finally withdrew last week.
It has now been repaired with the help of technical teams from Turkey and Qatar.
Al Jazeera’s Victoria Gatenby reports.
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#Afghanistan #KabulAirport #Qatar
Qatar has been hosting the Taliban political office since 8 years and has facilitated the talks between them and the USA. Lol
This will only help the Taliban and terrorists afghanistan
Good Afghan people has there country back, international community must must help rebuild the country and not isolating,🙏🙏
Perhaps Ghani should give them the money he ran off with.
I love Qatar Airways! In 2017 Qatar was blockaded by their butthurt neighbours, but now they are flying out to help others in need.
Welcome to TALIBAN AIRLINES! Your safe is our priority!
Flash news for you the first person to try to fly was from this region. His name is Abbas. He tried the first flight in 10th century
What is the point of providing aids to the people under the gun wielding terrorists ?
It is simple common sense. It will not reach them.
If the Taliban airport and airlines fully operational all airspace around the globe must been busy!
Finally Qatar is helping them take them in too all the land Qatar has and don’t forget wealthy country
කරුණාකර ඔයාලට සිංහල උප සිරස් දාන්න පුලුවන්ද .ස්තුතියි !
Good work and help by qatar.uae and turkey..may Allah help them all..and this would benefit afghan people.
Mashallah 🇶🇦 Qater zendabad
May Allah bless Qatar and Turkey
Those are aids for Taliban!
Lol already Qatar airline landed.
Why people want to leave? They should stay and the one living abroad come back. The war is over and it’s time to make Afghanistan great again, right? 😉
People always want the easy way out, they’ll miss their country when other people who stayed and made sacrifice to rebuild it are done.
I used to live in Qatar. The king of Qatar had the choice to be corrupt; but, he chose to be selfless and generous. I always make Dua for the king of Qatar. very nice human.
Finally some rations for those Taliban fighters!! They must be hungry. I heard the US didn’t even leave enough groceries behind! Disgusting!
😂😂 propaganda again
Why are we sending aid when the talibam promised us a prosperous new country with booming economy ? Lmao they can’t even read or write !!!!!!!
Their upper leaders are graduated from world top universities
You are confusing what the US&Friends promised to do with the country. Turned out to be nothing more than a military basis with target practice facilities for newby soldiers and innovative drone technology.
How are they in charge if everyone has to help them ?
Is Quatar helping talibans in kabul ? Shame.
*Qatar government should educate and civilize the Taliban so that they do not discriminate women……….and do not perpetrate criminal acts in the name of Islam and Quran*
Hmmm. That sounds a whole lot like ethnic cleansing with a side order of nation building. Remember when half the civilized world spent trillions of dollars and two decades trying to fix this mess? You can’t make people change if you can’t make them care.
InshaAllah may your country go from strength to strength don’t worry about those who left. Just carry out Allah law to the best of your ability rule with justice then your ppl will come back peace to the Afghan ppl
No body asked USA why they destroy airport before withdraw.
Why would you not fly over Afghanistan? For the first time in 20 years, the war is over. Yes, I’m aware of IS-K and the Pandjir Valley, but international flights have nothing to fear.
Probably at least because of the s*load of unaccounted Western weaponry? Plus you must be Able to make emergency landings too.
Why do the men wear dresses? and suppress women kind of strange isn’t it.
The Americans destroyed the airport they built and paid for
I remember when Qatar paid the salaries for people in Gaza. Please Qatar, help the poor hard working Afghans who haven’t been paid in months, especially medical people.
Hasbunallaha HasbunAllaha HasbunAllaha.
God bless Afghanistan and let there not be a Brain drain , but rather open skies that can bring knowledge and investment to the country.
Our own father have lived up to their own age with the help of herbs and roots, why do we think we can not live long enough with these herbs and roots by Doctor Great, herbs are gift from God to make you well so be grateful and be bless with it.
Can’t wait to visit Kabul soon.
The Taliban went from heroes in the 1980’s to villains then HEROES again. I’m not Muslim, just believe they have the right to do what they need to do. Stop funding Zionist death projects.
China, Russian, Turkish, Qatar, Iran, Pakistan and Saudi airlines will start Kabul flights soon.
Great respect for Qatar
Bless them for their aid
Support of terrorist taliban funding china,qatar,all islamic country
Amazing when you look inside not from the outside.
Be good, they be good back otherwise or your ego be placed with other great empires. A country that rather live in poverty then be ruled.
Fantastic the sight of peace and graduate tranquility returning to Afghanistan.
Keep up the good work Talibans☮️ is best.
These pantsjir guys are a few hundred, at max a few thousand, they control a very little area. But the zionist stooges like Al jazeera want people to think they control half of the country. and probably they are already defeated.
i Dadjal- Antihrist, но не плохой человек. Попробуйте понять что говорю: Исламисты и Мусульмане это разные учения. Исламисты это кража из кАВкАЗа родины Мухаммада- Моисея- Угедея и его старшего брата тОЛиба- тОЛуя- ОЛега Вещего- Ибрагима- “А”АзАрона Мира, и замена на якобы бога иСуСа лежащего под КаАБой кАБальной хАРиДжитской в чертовой Мекке как Исмаил- иСуС из крепости Измаил Дунайский, внимание: власть у 12 иМаМамов которые стали учениками иСуСа дАВидовича- Хасана АБдублевича- АвИуды ЗоровАВелевича, но он их предал, утопил в Оссуариях Каменных ваннах, отработав плачем над преступниками- отступниками от Соборного Старшинства, за 30 серебрянников, и сбежал через Крышу Дома с подменой на похожего юношу, брата Иосифа- Хусейна, это иСуСолАмИСты- ОрДин дРАкулы- SoSieTaTis dRAconika- АБдала. иСуС не получил коронацию на 72 “А”Духовом- “А”поСтольном Соборе, только 12 за него, а 60 сказали ты иСуС не сын тОЛиба- ОЛега- тОЛуя- Ибрагима- “А”АзАрона- (ф)АзАрона- (ц)АзАра (х)АзАрии- АЗиоЕВропы, а только внук через дочь мАРию- ОЛьгу с обрывом ДНК”У” мужской и значит не наследник, а Соборный Узурпатор, определенный хуже серийных убийц, за эту юродивость- младшинство приговор и отработка палечем Иудой- АвИудой ЗороваВЕЛЕвичем- Хасаном АБдублевичем- ДубльаВЕЛЕвичем- Хулагу дАВидовичем- Джучиевичем. Изгнав иСуСа на Соборе Мира назначены 4 хАЛИфа Мира Единого: Абу Бакр, УмАР, Усман, Малик, это только 4 опекуна- регента при малолетнем АЛИ тОЛибе ОЛеговиче- АТилле, это значит что хАЛИф это только опекун под АВгустейшей кАВкАЗской кровью с Венцом Всевышнего титулом по Соборному ПрАВу и Римскому ПрАВу Sol Invictus- Непобедимое Солнце. Далее после 4 опекунов- хАЛИфов, АЛИ тОЛиб имевший титул Сол Инвиктус- (ц)АзАр- (ф)АзАраон Мира, вырос и сам стал управлять Земским Собором 72 старших сына от старшего сына 72″А”поСтола- “А”Духа- Гаона Судьи Собора Мира только в этих старших 72 сына Воля Всевышнего. Каждый мужчина может проверить генетически себя на Соборное Старшинство- Избранный Дух Всевышнего. А без Собора, уже с 5 по 86 хАЛИфы это мошенники самодержавцы- самозванцы разделившие Землю на Части- страны- секты. 12 иМаМов- ШАхов- ШаАЙхов, это заблудшие самозванцы ведущие лизать символ женского органа хАДжАР черный камень на КаАБе хАРиДЖитской жены Джучи- АБдубля- дАВида- дАРия вышедшего за пятку пастуха а не цАзАра Мира. цАРей отделенных не существует в Соборе Мира Единого. А Мусульмане это совсем другое Всевышний в лице Солнца и всех звёзд, а не трупы Исмаила и его мамы хАДжАР, уже хорошее учение Пророка Мухаммада контролировавшиго 72 Сподвижника, в пользу его внука Али тОЛиба сына его старшего брата тОЛиба МуТолибовича который есть тОЛуй чАНгАЗИт и он же ОЛег Вещий Пророк Микулович ШахинШаах Мира Единого- Ибрагим- АВраам- АвГустейший кАВкАЗец- ГлАВа Земского Собора-КОНа Всевышнего нанимающего заКОН ЛИГИ Единой человеческой, и сына Зенобии- ЗейнАБ АБу МухамМАд дочери старшей Пророка Мухаммада, а власть это Завет Всевышнего- 72 Сподвижников- Судей Собора Мира “А”Духов- “А”поСтолов- Гаонов Первозаветных(Ветхого Завета), определяемых Всевышним как Избранные Духи в телах старших сыновей от старших сыновей от 12 Деревьев мужской крови ДНК”У” передаваемых в 100% объеме по которому не бывает мужского Частичного Родства, и равное по 6 Судей родные каждому мужчине Земли, из всего 72, так как всего 12 деревьев мужской крови ДНК”У”. Только ПрАВо Всевышнего на выдачу 72 Избранных Духов в телах старших сыновей от старших сыновей и есть ПрАВоВерие= ПрАВослАВию и единственный ПрАВовой Путь Власти. Человек не может выборами влиять на выдачу души хоть и даёт семя. Всевышний даёт безошибочно Избранные Духи только старшим сыновьям и это Единственный Прямой Путь снимающий военные разделы власти. Внесены искажения в родословную Пророка Мухаммада, не его отцом, а только братом АБдалой- ДубльАВелем- дАВидом- ЗоровАВЕЛЕм- дРАкулой- АБдублем, организованы трупы под КаАБой кАБальной хАРиДжитской иСуСа- СоСо- Исмаила- дРАкулы2- SoSieTaTis dRAconika и его мамы. Поход к КаАБе кАБальной хАДж переводится как Крест по АзАрмянски, туда ходят лизать овал черного камня символа женского органа лежащей под КаАБой хАДжАР- хАДчипСуд- ОЛьги- сАРы- мАРии- тАмАры- Кровавой Мэри- хАРиДЖитки ПодКаАБной. А ШаАриАт это ШАпура СаСаНида- СоСлана дАВида- ДубльАВеля- дРАкулы- АБдубля- АБдулы учение Некромонгерство и Людоедского питье муфтием крови ребенка из резаной раны при обрезании, но АБдубль- дАВид- дРАкула- “Б”АРа- Подколенный ШАпур- младший из ТаТа- АрАр- ЧеЧе- Ту- 2 близнецов назвавших деньги ДинАры- 2 АРы и ДолАРы- 2АРы, младший значит юродивый- Усохшая Лоза для Всевышнего и не может быть, ни АпоСтолом, ни ГлАВой Земского Собора Мира АВгустейшей крови. Вот я вас каждого кто понял этот смысл безболезненно и нежо разрубил от макушки до копчика и перевел через Мост СиРАт, оглянитесь как все прошлое горит. Кто я? Да, тот самый Даджал- Антихрист, не плохой человек и есть мАГди- мАшААх, становлюсь наследником в Соборе Мира (озере огненном) Яджудж-МаДжудж. То есть ДаджАЛ и есть мАГди, не удивляйтесь, так же АВраам есть Ибрагим- тОЛиб, и так же Мухаммад есть Моисей. Время Собора Мира Единого генетического родства каждого мужчины Земли пришло, мирный Яджудж МаДжудж. Червяки Всевышнего в шее это ДНК”У”, они не убивают, а делают родными. Птицы орлы, это забор внутрь Собора Мира каждого мужчину в 1 из 12 Коленей родным к 1/12 мужчин Земли на 100% по ДНК”У” с 6 из 72 Судей Земли Собора- КОНа Всевышнего нанимающего заКОН Единой ЛИГИ человеческой ЛИГИтивных только в целостности Земли. Даджал- Антихрист…
What a joke, if the US “destroyed” the airport you couldn’t get it running in two days 🙄
They’re experts at coming together to solve problems and build a better world for their people… OK, I can even keep a straight face.
Yeah, they’re going to sink into the dirt in about five minutes.
Successful people don’t become that way overnight. most people see at a glance-wealth, a great career, purpose-is the result of hard work and hustle over time. I pray that anyone who reads this will be successful in life..
A friend of mine who introduced me to Eric Campbell made a profit of $24,000 in 7 working days
I tried by myself as a beginner and it ended really badly, lost a lot of money, it’s only profitable with a broker.
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Eric Campbell has brought me out of the trenches and to a better living through option, I encourage newbies to work with him
Wow! I can brag about this… Eric has managed my account in such a way that winning is the only standard that I know. Work with him and always remember to share your testimonies with others. Let’s promote him the more.
as an aircraft maintenance technician, I wish I can be a part of the aviation industry in afghanistan even though im here in the philippines, insha allah.. it will be my honor to serve the people who follow the law of my religion
Thank you Jesus🙏🏾
Alhamdullilah for everything
breaking: 6 planes in afghanistan with americans and afghans held hostage by taliban for a couple of days. – they have demands to be met before they release them.
With the ‘old Government’ taking refuge in an area that is the center of the Arab Spring movement, it also has to be acknowledged if any attempt at a ‘coup’ exists, it would come from the people who left to avoid the charges that come with collaborating with the enemy. I can also understand that international co-operation (NATO) has to be considered if that country is given access to partial control of international flights. That being said, the country also has to be as defended from foreign military aircraft and that has to be hardware from Russia or Iran.
Destroy are MUNITIONS Planes and our ground units .. This is not my President!!! What a fool !!!!!
Aid for Taliban?
The state of qatar should be a candidate for a noble peace prize such a small country with a heart of largesse
After 40 yrs of war why dont the countries who engaged in these wars assist afganisan build itself
Jajak Allah khair Qatar Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani
Qatar is neck deep in jihadi shot hole
We can’t guarantee that the plane won’t get shot down from the sky?
Am coming to Afghanistan
Keep up the great work Qatar and Turkey
Taliban conquered Afghanistan in 1 week, what America couldn’t in 20 years.
Need more technical support for repairing Afghanistan Airport.
Last American left Kabul on 30/Aug, minutes before midnight. That’s less than a week ago……Pretty impressive, what is happening…..
It’s nice that the taliban will be well fed… that aid won’t make it to the general public…..
Afghanistan has been plagued by wars for far too long. The people need a break from this cycle. It’s good to see some of progress without any occupation. It’s a step in the right direction.
Wow they have jobs, getting wages, nothing new destroyed, common factor? No western powers.
I’m very happy to see a country with no covid
19 July 2007, when 23 South Korean missionaries were captured and held hostage by members of the Taliban while passing through Ghazni Province of Afghanistan. Two male hostages were executed before the deal was reached between the Taliban and the South Korean government.Taliban spokesman claimed that the militant group also received some US$20 million in exchange for the safety of the captured missionaries.
Taliban released ISIS prisoners. Taliban and ISIS cooperate together to kill people in airports, so they can regain international support for $$$$$. DON’T trust Taliban, they have history of devil behaviour.
Masah Allah Very Good..💚💚
Love From Bangladesh… Qatar.. Turkey..🤲🇶🇦🇹🇷
Figured it be Qatar !
I’m sure Afghanistan 🇦🇫 will be connected with the rest of the world 🌎 aviation industry ASAP along help Qatar 🇶🇦 and Turkey 🇹🇷.
Turkey gives no answer yet
Glad that Qatar and Turkey are helping… Shame on the others.
America destroys, others rebuild!
I know they (Taliban) will not give this to poor people, but i am happy at least they will stop knocking our doors for a few weeks asking for food, Doogs of Qatar will have some bones and will not bother us
A Terrorist Aid by a Terrorist Country for a Terrorist group and Advertised by A Terrorist TV Al Jazeera
I love Qatar..
Getting ready to pay visits to Afghanistan has tourist.
Qatar is ummah allah pless gret gret
Qatar is real muslim futhur connecting all islam countrey
Love Qatar
Finally some good news, Alhumdullilah
Delivering aids? Why was Qatar never send Aids before? Does it mean Qatar is involved with the terrorist groups?
Pakistan came to steal the secret intelligence document of Afghanistan. Who knows what is Qatar taking on the way back.
Shame on you dogs
No1 dislikes the Taliban everyone dislikes America.
I love Qatar 🇶🇦 man! Inshallah I’m going to move to doha permanently!
Qatar helps terrorists Qatar is terrorists 🖕🖕
should us, normal afghans die in hunger?
How ironic the Taliban are checking luggages too 😂😂🤣
Then the Taliban takes it all
Now send food to Ethiopians
Very special thank you Qatar,
Way they don’t wering MASK
Love for Qatar …from Pakistan
Why they are helping terrorist
Thank you Qatar👍
Salam from me, an Indonesian
Better sending aid rather than open border n take them away from their land