Archive List for ukraine

China fears: Taiwan considers extending army conscription

Taiwan is considering extending mandatory military service for young people following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The defence minister says four months of service would not be long enough in the event of a conflict. Military drills have taken place on the Dongyin archipelago, a string of islands that are closer to mainland China than they are to Taipei. Al Jazeera’s @Andrew Chappelle reports. – Subscribe to our channel: – Follow us on Twitter: – Find us on Facebook: – Check our website: #AlJazeeraEnglish #China #Taiwan #Ukraine

Russia’s economy begins to feel sanctions effect

Russians are only just starting to see the effect the war is having on their economy, as sanctions and international isolation begin to bite. From inflation to supply chain logistics, every corner of the economy will feel the effect. Al Jazeera’s @Bernard Smith has more from Moscow. – Subscribe to our channel: – Follow us on Twitter: – Find us on Facebook: – Check our website: #AlJazeeraEnglish #Russia #Economy

Russian cosmonaut team arrives at the International Space Station

Three Russian cosmonauts have arrived at the International Space Station. It is the first space crew to launch since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. And as Al Jazeera’s @Katia Lopez-Hodoyan reports, it is raising questions about how political tensions will affect international space exploration. – Subscribe to our channel: – Follow us on Twitter: – Find us on Facebook: – Check our website: #AlJazeeraEnglish #Russia #InternationalSpaceStation

How to defend Kyiv, by an urban warfare expert

Russia has been attacking Kyiv from the air but with its forces positioned around the capital, Ukrainians are wondering if a ground attack will be next. Urban warfare expert John Spencer, a former army officer, lists his strategy tips on how to defend Kyiv.

War in Ukraine – the human impact | Start Here

From Mariupol in the east, to Lviv in the west – Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has made life unrecognisable for millions of Ukrainians. #AJStartHere with Sandra Gathmann explains what’s happening where and the impact on people. #Ukraine #Russia Check out our other Start Here episodes Subscribe to our channel Follow us on Twitter Find us on Facebook Check our website: And let us know in the comments if there’s a topic you find confusing and would like Start Here to cover ⤵️

Civilian convoy leaves Ukraine’s Mariupol after failed attempts

A convoy of cars left Mariupol in the first successful attempt for a humanitarian corridor out of the encircled Ukrainian city. This came after several failed attempts to arrange people to leave Mariupol. People have been trapped in the southern city because of the shelling by Russian troops. Al Jazeera’s Natacha Butler reports from Lviv. – Follow us on Twitter: – Find us on Facebook: – Check our website: #Ukraine #Russia

Russia claims destruction of more than 3,500 Ukraine military facilities

Russian and Ukrainian officials have suggested talks might yield positive results within days, despite battles raging on. The city council of besieged Mariupol has said 2,187 residents have been killed since the start of Russia’s invasion. Authorities in Lviv say the Russian military launched a deadly air strike targeting a Ukrainian base in Yavoriv near the Polish border, killing at least 35 people. Al Jazeera’s Sara Khairat wraps up the latest developments. #Russia #Ukraine