The Nile has become a political statement as countries across Africa fight for control of it.
Egypt and Sudan depend on the river for their water.
It is fed by the Blue Nile in Ethiopia.
But the Ethiopian government says it needs to use more of the resource to help its people.
For countries downstream, that is a problem.
Al Jazeera’s Mohammed Vall has this report from the source of the Blue Nile in Ethiopia.
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Some advice for Ethiopian gov’t & people :
1. Never trust Egypt in any ways & forms
2. Never trust the so called political parties specially TPLF & OLF because they might work with foreign adversaries
3. Never let Juhar Mohammed walk away from prison because he is definitely Egyptian agent. Follow his money to know who he is .
4. Never celebrate before you eat the fruit because your enemies may spoil your fruit !!!
5. Never look for answers from other nations. Your resource is your right, forget not international laws though.
6. Do the above five with high five !!!
Ethiopian good i love Ethiopia 🇪🇹
Egypt Must Preserve Its Rights Over The River , The nile is not a property of ethiopia
we are the king of nile(abay) ,either believe or not Abay (nile) belong to Ethiopia, but we are ready to use our resource with you fairly
The Egyptians are still dictating to us with contempt. When will you face reality and accept that the source is ours and you are recipients of our good will since 86% of your water comes from us. You want all the milk but detest the cow that provides it!!!
The nile is a natural resource for all of the countries sharing it including Ethiopia
Dealing with such issue with that kind of arrogance will lead to conflict that no one will be happy with its consequences
This is fake report because getting information from arcaive and reporting from right source is not same . It is not summer now in Ethiopia. It is winter the level of water is massive .
Egypt can go fck itself.
They should be developing agriculture for sure if population goes too high history will repeat ! They are doing things right getting power dams in place there will be high economic growth ! Hope other nations in Africa let them prosper ! And not harm their budding system
It’s been 35 years since famine killed a estimated 1.2 million and 400,000 left the country.The population was estimated around 37 mill in 1983 before the famine. Then Geldof “Live aid” feed the staving Ethiopians. In 2003 drought hits again, with the continued live aid their was a problem, the population had almost doubled in 20 years “72 million +”, the only country to do so”. Even the huge amount of aid coming in couldn’t stop famine in this over populated country. Now the population is 114 million mainly due to aid being given to them. Finally they have the means to feed themselves 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏. Put a statute of Bob at each end. Hope you don’t start a war when countries down steam don’t get enough water.
Ethiopia was prophetically starved, you do know elites control the water. also ethiopia was kept poor on purpose by the elites but that will change soon, Ethiopia is the only place that will survive when the world sinks, and its sinking soon. new world order loading
There is no agreement to be had with Egypt. Egypt wants to export agro products to the world planted using Ethiopian water while lots of Ethiopians earn less that $1 a day.
You will not grow Egyptian cotton using Ethiopian waters anymore, the water is needed for food and electricity.
Egyptians it is not Allah that feeds you, it is the Ethiopian waters. So stop praying towards Mecca and start praying towards Addis Ababa.
Sorry English very bad
Sorry u English is very bad
Why you shouldn’t join primary school?
Ethiopia Go
I prayed alot..I can see now the result..who did it ? Yes mighty Jesus did it..this is for Ethiopian people precious gifted from above thank you father🇪🇹🇪🇷
for me its feels like 2nd Adwa victory
Rip Egypt
Atleast some country has a good leader who is changing his people’s life for the good
Bring in south African farmers they will show you how to farm in rocky soil
💚💛❤Egyptian never want to grow Ethiopia people
dreams is becoming truly 💚💛❤
Oh finally Aljezira understands the use of a hydropower. Please keep your hands off of Ethiopia. You were singing war before the first fill.
It is our water 💧 nobody interfere on it
This is the life & death 💀 issue for our nation.
The professor has poor command of english, he just coudn’t explain himself and his narration is wrong.
We have a great language Amharic
This second language for us
His mother tongue is Amharic.
Their will come a time when Western world will beg Africa
Nil is for ethiopia 🇪🇹
God is good all the time it’s my dam WOW am proud 🇪🇹🇪🇹
Support from bro from somalia the water belongs to the horn!
Ethio Blu Nil
No turning back mama ethiopia!!!! Africa rise!!!
None of Egypt conspiracy won’t hold us to build the dam.
The china dam, Ethiopia does not own that dam but is owned by china.
Says a random unhappy dude…lol.
China is better than Egypt.
Fake arguments a land lock and backward country want to sell electricity to other poor neighbours country and slave them by depending on them, crisis creat by West. Take military action against water aggression.
We the neighbour’s of Ethiopia in East Africa are not complaining. We will buy the electricity. You also want to enslave downstream countries by blocking them from using the waters an obsolete colonial treaty
O cat coming out from bag, fight is better than any humiliation Sudan 🇸🇩 and Egypt 🇪🇬 will fight, you forgotten one thing a letter to Nile from our 2nd Caliphate Omer Ibn Al Khattaab companion of Prophet Muhammed (PBUH). Nile never stops flowing running till before end of this world even no human can control by Dam or Barrage can no longer stop mighty Nile river b/c it is divine river.
@Nabeel Khan Speaking of a country that has never won any war.
We was won unsighted war.
@Nabeel Khan Stop this drum beating for war its stupid. Water scarcity is facing most countries all over the world due to global warming and you have to evolve. Sit down and find modern ways of recycling, conservation, digging the underground aquifers, farmers using modern irrigation methods that use less water, desalination of the seas and cooperating with upstream countries in East Africa not silly arguments.
Ethiopia will continue to seek a fair & equitable use of the Nile Waters.🇪🇹 . አይሞላም ያሉት አዩት ተሞልቶ ጠላትን ከፋው ደስታችን አይቶ እንኳን ደስ ያለን ኢትዮጵያውያን
ኢትዮጵያ ለዘላለም ትኑር! 🇪🇹
point of this news
I Support Egypt 🇸🇴
I don’t want hearts Ethiopia More 💀
No body cares
don’t sink with Egypt in 2027
Maybe you support Al Shabab too. Evil befriends evil.
They have the right to build the dam, Egypt should follow Israel and rationalize water consumption using modern irrigation.
No more families with more than one child!
Rivers don’t belong to any particular country just cuz of the origin. It belongs to every nation it flows on. Cuz they all depend on it. They need to come to an proper agreement.
That logic works only for Egyptians; however, go to any country with a river then you will learn how their water resources belong to them. Besides, I wonder how you see controlling the resource owners water like you own it negate with your logic.
First the lies and threats, now the lessons on who has ownership of the rivers, my dear, the sooner you realize that whatever is within our territory is ours, the easier life will be for you. Your only option now is to behave yourselves, be grateful to Ethiopians for being kind enough to be willing to share without charging you for every drop that crosses our border. Stay out of our internal affairs or else you will be forced to pay for every drop that crosses the Sudanese border into Egypt. The Sun understand this geographical fact and have been willing to work with us to secure their water and later their electricity unlike you Egyptians that still think you will bully us into submission. Game over, re-educate your population, plead with us that we won’t charge you for every drop and stay out of our internal affairs!!!!!
Long live Ethiopia and Ethiopian people thanks a lot.
If people study real history, they will know that there’s nothing like middle east or Arabs being African and Ethiopians are the descendants of ancient Egyptians, FACTS.
Egypt is inhabited by 100 Million non-African Arabs, but Ethiopia is inhabited by 100 Million Indigenous Africans.
We did it 💚💚💚💛💛💛❤️❤️❤️
from know on don’t say nile its called abay(it is it’s motherland name)
we won as a country
qatar is terrorist
qatar 🐏🐏🐏🐏
qatar is,🐗🐗🐗🐗
qatar is 🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️🌈
qatar is ,🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌
i like princes mozza
Why Ethiopia is blamed by Egypt for contracting a dam on Nile water while contributing 86% of water to Nile? Egypt should stop imposing colonial water agreements on Ethiopia . Nile is not only for Egypt, there are up and down stream countries. we need fair play!
It’s Ethiopian water
its ma dam Abay was ma river
If egypt and sudan have water problems its because they can’t keep it clean.
they said before “We aren’t African We are Arabs” and know all the sudden they are african, so far they’ve gone to z AU, UN and America but they can’t help them. Ethiopia contribute 87% of z nile river and once the river enters there county they made 12 river out of it before it reach z aswan dam yeh we know that every ethioian is aware know tnx to them.
God bless Ethiopia ❤️
Victory for Ethiopians and for African peoples .
It is just being greedy….it wants money from the sales of electricity nothing more.
Go Ethiopa
ERITREA and Eritreans will stand with our cosins.
Did the reporter just say world largest lake?
As far as the Nile is concerned: Aljazzera had been outrightly campaigning for Egypt to a point where I knew in advance what the reporter is going to say.Taking side is unethical and unacceptable in journalism. If aljazeera wants to become a credible news media in the world, they need to remain centered and objective.
That’s exactly what I feel about Al Jazeera. We shouldn’t allow Al Jazeera reporters destroy Ethiopians rights.
Egypt can drink its sand
Thank you Aljezeera….lot of work to do! Expose Egypt dictatorial Government…you did a great Job!!! we filled GERD the first stage, congratulations our African brothers and sisters…Ethiopia win the indirect colonial era…wake up Tanzania, Uganda, Burundi, Kenya…you guys have a right to use the White Nile…Africa will be the hope of the world, no more for war and chaos…its time for growth and prosperity!!!!Peace Mama Africa! God bless Africa. Abay river is a holy water!!!🍏🍋🍎🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍💚💛❤!!!
It just does not feel right to starve millions in egypt for the prosperity of ethiopia.
Do you think it’s right to starve Ethiopia for the sake of Egypt? Do you think it’s right Ethiopia down looked not to use its own resources?
You had no issues while we were starving, you have been working for decades to keep us in perpetual war and starvation while you use our water exclusively. You arm the opposition, you train our opposition, you comets Ethiopia to spy on us and find crack which you can work on to create conflict within Ethiopia, you treat us like the enemy even though we have never interfered in your internal affairs, you drag our name through the mud around the world with lies and deceit, you have been working on all financial institutions to not give us any assist so that we can’t attempt to build a dam, you have been faking negotiations for 10 years since we started building the dam, you have been trying to bully us with all your might until this day!!!! Now we built the dam and filled as much water as we planned to fill in-spite of your attempts. Now you want to talk about fairness? There was nothing fair about your actions so far, now you realize that the source of your water belongs to us allocated by God himself, now you realize that you actually have no say in what we do with our water, now you have one choice and one choice only!!! You need to help financially to keep the rains coming in Ethiopia by reforesting around our country and help for a change to increase the precipitation, help clean out lake Tana to rid it of the water hyacinth, something positive for a change towards the enhancement of the Nile basin instead of pretending that the Nile source is lake Nasser!!! If you think that’s the case then don’t wine shut up and don’t meddle in Ethiopia’s internal affairs. You will need to stop trying to create new conflicts in our nation, quit funding the arming of one group of Ethiopians to stand against the other, quit allowing media that promote hate between Ethiopians, quit spreading lies to the world on how mean Ethiopians are and how our major goal for spending all these resources that we could not really afford just to starve you and make you thirsty while in reality all we wanted was to share waters that we have supplied to you for free for millennia. At the end when all the lies and deceit blow away, the whole world will know you are the greedy ones, you are the mean and diabolical ones, you are the ones who have been working to keep Ethiopians in person poverty, your foreign policy is based on keeping us busy with wars with our neighbors, between ourselves and destruction of our image just because you want total control of our water. You managed for centuries, now time’s up!! You can’t do it for ever in the age of internet. Your government needs to vow to stay away from any negative action towards Ethiopia in order to secure your share of water which you have fought dearly to keep at the expense of Ethiopia. We should peg your water supply with your internal meddling in our country and if you are found interfering from this point forward, we will not be bound on anything we have signed so far or will sign in the future. Another words, you work towards weakening our government and people, we will not be bound by any agreement regarding your water supply!!!! Period. Egyptians and others for that matter need to check facts about Ethiopia Egyptian interaction throughout history, recent and distant and you will find that Ethiopia has not once tried to undermine the Egyptian government or people while almost all Egypt and their government have selfishly tried to keep Ethiopia in perpetual caos and poverty since as long as we Ethiopians have recorded history. Do not listen to your government’s propaganda, research it in the history books, 17 times you tried to invade us just to control the source of the Nile, you were beaten back, now to save yourselves from embarrassment you decided to pit Ethiopians against each other, you need to stop if you want a cordial equitable solution regarding the Nile. We Ethiopians are not stupid, we may not have said much so far but that does not
mean we don’t understand your governments deceit !!! We understand that you have treated us like your mortal enemy just because we hold the source of your Nile, is it our fault that God put the source in our country instead of yours?
Ethiopia just kills people any ways
Yeah and we like it
Nem not bilu nayl
Is nem is abay four ethiopia
Nem not nayl
Abay abay abay abay
Thanks God for everything and thank you everyone supporting Ethiopia🇪🇹
Egypt is too greedy by our own resource! She doesn’t want us to use even little drops of water 💦 enough is enough!
Abiyi mast go
The Colorado River is the source of 4.4 million acre feet (5.4 km3) per year for California.[50] Six other states along the river’s watershed (Wyoming, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona) and Mexico, share allocated portions of river water. The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, or MWD, holds priority water rights on the Colorado. It sells water to 95 percent of the South Coast region. Lake Mead, formed by Hoover Dam, is the primary reservoir in the Colorado River basin. The Colorado River Aqueduct begins 155 miles (249 km) downstream from Hoover Dam, and can carry 1.2 million acre feet (1.5 km3) annually.
The state of Colorado sells its water to other states and now usa don’t want Ethiopian to use its own water. Wow
Correction, the name of the water is ABAY not Blue Nile !!
All 9 countries deserve to build their own dam!! Not only Egypt.
It is not Blue Nile, is it Abbay or Giwon. Nile is somewhere in Egypt. If you got to Ethiopian and ask for Nile nobody knows it.
It’s called habay water
Ethiopia 🇪🇹 is Love ❤️ they need this Dam. No more Arab Imperialism in the region.
ዋዉ ሀገሬ ኢቶ
አፍሪካዬ ሀገሬ ሰላምሽ ይብዛ
This is።name abbay not።nile
Eti is come form rawanda
There is no Ethiopia Blue Nile rather Ethiopia Abay. Don’t call it blue Nile. It is called Abay.
The name is Nile, not Nile. We do not know the Nile the name is abay
You had no issues while we were starving, you have been working for decades to keep us in perpetual war and starvation while you use our water exclusively. You arm our opposition, you train our opposition, you come to Ethiopia to spy on us and find crack which you can work on to create conflict within Ethiopia, you treat us like the enemy even though we have never interfered in your internal affairs, you drag our name through the mud around the world with lies and deceit, you have been working on all financial institutions to not give us any assist so that we can’t attempt to build a dam, you have been faking negotiations for 10 years since we started building the dam, you have been trying to bully us with all your might until this day!!!! Now we built the dam and filled as much water as we planned to fill in spite of your attempts. Now you want to talk about fairness? There was nothing fair about your actions so far, now you realize that the source of your water belongs to us allocated by God himself, now you realize that you actually have no say in what we do with our water, now you have one choice and one choice only!!! You need to help financially to keep the rains coming in Ethiopia by reforesting around our country and help for a change to increase the precipitation, help clean out lake Tana to rid it of the water hyacinth, something positive for a change towards the enhancement of the Nile basin instead of pretending that the Nile source is lake Nasser!!! If you think that’s the case then don’t wine, shut up and don’t meddle in Ethiopia’s internal affairs. You will need to stop trying to create new conflicts in our nation, quit funding the arming of one group of Ethiopians to stand against the other, quit allowing media that promote hate between Ethiopians, quit spreading lies to the world on how mean Ethiopians are and how our major goal for spending all these resources that we could not really afford, just to starve you and make you thirsty while in reality all we wanted was to share waters that we have supplied to you for free for millennia. No wanting the milk if you hate the cow!!! At the end when all the lies and deceit blow away, the whole world will know you are the greedy ones, you are the mean and diabolical ones, you are the ones who have been working to keep Ethiopians in perpetual poverty, your foreign policy is based on keeping us busy with wars with our neighbors, between ourselves and destruction of our image just because you want total control of our water. You managed for centuries, now time’s up!! You can’t do it for ever in the age of internet. Your government needs to vow to stay away from any negative action towards Ethiopia in order to secure your share of water which you have fought dearly to keep at the expense of Ethiopia. We should peg your water supply with your internal meddling in our country and if you are found interfering from this point forward, we will not be bound on anything we have signed so far or will sign in the future. Another words, you work towards weakening our government and people, we will not be bound by any agreement regarding your water supply!!!! Period. Egyptians and others for that matter need to check facts about Ethiopian Egyptian interaction throughout history, recent and distant and you will find that Ethiopia has not once tried to undermine the Egyptian government or people while almost all Egyptians and their government have selfishly tried to keep Ethiopia in perpetual caos and poverty since as long as we Ethiopians have recorded history. Do not listen to your government’s propaganda, research it in the history books, 17 times you tried to invade us just to control the source of the Nile, you were beaten back, now to save yourselves from embarrassment you decided to pit Ethiopians against each other, you need to stop if you want a cordial equitable solution regarding the Nile. We Ethiopians are not stupid, we may not have said much so far but that does not
mean we don’t understand your governments deceit !!! We understand that you have treated us like your mortal enemy just because we hold the source of your Nile, is it our fault that God put the source
in our country instead of yours?
SOMALILAND loves and supports ETHIOPIA. We are on the side of ETHIOPIA “PERIOD” , FULL STOP. SOMALILAND and SOMALILANDERS wants ETHIOPIA TO BUILD the dam, so we benefit and enrich our people in the HORN of AFRICA. LONG LIVE BOTH the people of ETHIOPIA and SOMALILAND.
We are Ethiopian dam..✊🔥
the Name of Our river is “”””””ABAY”””” not Blue nile
The name is abbay not nile
The only time Al Jazeera has been objective on reporting this dam issue 👍
abbay or blue nile is the gift of Ethiopia not Egypt
Very good journalism. Keep up the good work. Love from Islamabad Pakistan.
No matter how many negotiations and mediation efforts take place, the reality is that there can be no lasting solution to the contentious hydropolitics of the Nile Valley until Egypt introduces major reforms to its water-use policies. Experts have pointed out for years that Egyptian irrigation methods are highly inefficient. Israel, with a similar climate and even greater water shortages, uses much less water to produce the same crops (according to the Egyptian ministry of agriculture itself). The government has long recognized something must be done, but implementation of reforms has been extremely slow. Even the early construction of GERD ten years ago has not caused Cairo to prioritize reform. True, Egypt was sidetracked by the uprising in 2011, the turmoil over the Muslim Brotherhood government, and the subsequent coup d’état and consolidation of the military regime. But even at present, Abdel Fatah Al Sisi’s government has remained more focused on grandiose mega projects rather than improving and updating water infrastructure. The water problem is indeed existential and will only continue to worsen without major intervention, especially in light of a rapidly growing population.
Experts have suggested many steps Egypt could take to improve water management for agriculture and domestic consumption. Some are simple, such as fixing leaks in the canal system and in urban water networks — Cairo loses an estimated 50 percent of water to leakage, for example. Others are more complex and costly, such as converting from flood to drip irrigation or building new desalinization plants to make more water available for domestic use. Some have also suggested reuse of wastewater for irrigation as a way of increasing supply and reducing pollution in the Nile and the irrigation canals. Only experts – and this writer is not one – can determine what combination of approaches are appropriate for Egypt, but solutions clearly exist. They are tested and proven in many countries. Egypt has the technical and organizational capacity, although apparently not the political will, to implement them.
Efficiency and reform are the only way for Egypt to ensure that the Nile will continue to satisfy its water needs even as other riparian countries start claiming their own rights to a common resource, as Ethiopia is doing. Everything else is simply a stop-gap measure.
AS A Ghanaian would always support Ethiopia. I love my Ethiopian with too.
Egypt wants negotiating with Ethiopia but want to destroy Libya they don’t want even to build up there own country poor libya Now Egypt is trying. Act peace lover countrie
Al Jazeera Journalist Mohamed good job. Abay, Abay ,Abay River (Ethiopian name). It is not luxury thing for Ethiopian people, it is necessity. It is Ethiopian source. “We Filled the dam.” ” It is my dam, my water”
Its Abay not Nile
we are happy by ABAY dam
‘Blue Nile’ is not our river name WE have big NAME which is ”ABAY”
it’s called ✅Abbay✅In my language ✅አባይ ✅not blue Nile🚫 Ethiopia king 👑of the Abbay አባይ