Thousands of protesters have packed Amsterdam’s streets in opposition to the government-imposed COVID-19 restrictions and vaccination campaign as virus infections hit a new record.
Authorities were granted stop and search powers at several locations across the city and scores of riot police vans patrolled neighbourhoods where the demonstrators marched with banners and yellow umbrellas.
Regular protests against COVID measures are held across the country and Sunday’s large gathering was joined by farmers who drove to the capital and parked tractors along the central Museum Square.
Al Jazeera’s Step Vaessen reports from Amsterdam.
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#Netherlands #Amsterdam #COVID #Museumplein
Hope that somewhere some people are looking why so many millions of contaminations and millions of deaths.
It is real world and nobody is finding THE SOLUTION TO END THE PANDEMIC.
We are being fooled.
Where are these Great Einstein, Newton, Darwin, Galileo. Nobel..
Please use and when going out, rub regularly some drops of amla oil on hands, forearms and face also well masked and washing.
Let’s end this tyranny. We are Humans, not Lab Rats.
FUNNY how the media batter a few nazis here and there among the demonstrators, but NEVER say a word when leftists carry posters of the mass murderers Mao, Che Guevara, Lenin etc.
Fully support from Nagaland
I will hurt anyone who physically attacks my child. Physical integrity is a fundamental right of every human being. Anyone who tries to deny me my right by force (in whatever form) should also renounce it. You (scum) try to divide us, but we are also the vaccinated. You and your friends will be held accountable for any damage caused. Not much should then remain of your virtual trillions that have been built up on the misery of this planet. We, the police officers, soldiers and intelligence officers are all in the same boat. We are everywhere. Finally people are waking up. International and United❤️.
Appeal to criminal politicians: shame on you all. We won’t give up until you’re all brought to justice. We’ve looked away long enough. We’ll get to you soon. You will have to take responsibility. For you, there will be no going back to the status quo. Your string pullers (who will soon be forced to realize, that you can’t eat money) won’t be able to help you either. Without an alternative, we take our responsibility seriously in the interests of our children’s future. The stone rolls.
Look out the window and try to “censor” us. It does not work ? Welcome to the real world. We are organic beings and not a record. We are not driven by greed and we care about each other. We are steadfast people. You won’t get through with us.
When it comes to revolutions, people like to say that the “people” have risen. Most of the time, no one asks who this “people” really was. But even a look at the most well-known uprisings – the French as well as the Russian revolutions – shows that the people do not have to comprise the majority of the population. It’s quite enough for relatively small (3.5%) groups of Steadfast People to rise up.
We will fight to the last. We are wise. We are everywhere.
I’ll see you on the street.
holding hands walking down the street and acting like clowns, yes this will help
it will the government will see that their lock downs and quarantines don’t work and that people want to be free
The media in the world has sold their soul !! .. Why do you think you can not dislike more on Youtube ?? haha because several million have Disliked everything with Covid! .. Then you can see for yourself that the people of the world Bill Gates obviously have enough money to shut up YOUTUBE !! together with Fauci WHO … Think for yourself Self-loving people… ❤️✌🏻✌🏻❤️ Freedom for The World we have had enough..❤️💪🏻 NO TO FACISM .. More Control monitoring HMmM YES ON THE AUTHORITIES… ✌🏻❤️
Extreme right activists ????? You mean normal people who see their country taken over by europhile nazis and elitists shame on biasts AL SHITEERA
Can you help Australia
Australia has become more communist than Russia
Esto es una belleza todo el mundo tendriamos que manifestanos asi hagamoslo
Nos falta organizarnos amigo comparto tu opinión 👍 saludos
All over the world, wherever there are capitalists, freedom of the press means freedom to buy up newspapers, to buy writers, to bribe, buy and fake “public opinion” for the benefit of the bourgeoisie.
Keep it ip, from Sweden 🇸🇪
Das Wuhan Virology Laboratory ist eigentlich im Besitz von Glaxo, der zufällig Eigentümer/Mehrheitspartner von Pfizer ist (der mit dem Wunderimpfstoff gegen COVID-19 und seinem Großvater H1 N1), der sich zufällig um die Finanzen von Black Rock kümmert, der sich zufällig um die Finanzen von kümmert die Open Foundation Society (Soros), die zufällig die Interessen der französischen AXA vertritt, für die die deutsche Firma Winterthur zufällig das chinesische Labor gebaut hat, das von der deutschen Allianz gekauft wurde, und die zufällig einen großen Anteilseigner von Vanguard hat , das ein Anteilseigner von Black Rock ist, der die Zentralbanken kontrolliert und 1/3 des weltweiten Investitionskapitals verwaltet, das zufällig ein Großaktionär von Microsoft und Gates ist, das zufällig ein Anteilseigner von Pfizer und derzeit der Sponsor Nummer eins der WHO ist !
Bill Gates ist der einzige Serienmörder, Eugeniker, Bioterrorist, der seine Verbrechen mit allen Mitteln ankündigt und davon profitiert.
Wir sehen bereits, warum Israel, Obama, die NATO, die UNO, Europa und China die Ermordung von Ghadafi angeordnet haben, als er um eine Erklärung über die Schaffung von H1 N1 bat.
Ist es klar genug, warum eine Fledermaus hereinkam und die Schlange packte und der ganze Planet infiziert wurde?
Was verbirgt sich hinter dem Slogan „STAY HOME“?
Vor zweitausend Jahren entdeckten die Araber, dass das Zwingen von Menschen, ihre Nase oder ihren Mund zu bedecken, depersonalisiert, ihre Identität zerstört und dazu beiträgt, sie unterwürfiger zu machen.
Damit erlegten sie allen Frauen die obligatorische Verwendung eines Gesichtsschleiers auf.
Später verwandelte der Islam dies in ein Symbol der Unterwerfung der Frauen unter Allah, dann unter den König und schließlich unter den Besitzer des Harems.
Die moderne Psychologie erklärt es: Ohne Gesicht existieren wir nicht als unabhängige Wesen und folglich als freie Menschen.
China hat in den letzten Jahrzehnten dasselbe mit seinen Menschen gemacht, und da uns in der Schule nicht die wahre Geschichte beigebracht wurde, sind wir dazu verdammt, sie zu wiederholen.
Dass wir Sie arbeitslos lassen, um vom Staat abhängig zu werden.
Dass wir entscheiden, wann und wie Sie ausgehen können, auch wenn Sie kein Geld haben, um Einkäufe zu tätigen.
Auch wenn deine Eltern noch ein paar Jahre zu leben haben und ihre Enkelkinder nicht sehen, weil sie bezweifeln, dass sie sich anstecken werden.
Sie sollten Ihre Steuern weiter zahlen, auch wenn Sie nicht arbeiten.
Und Sie lassen sich von banalen Dingen ablenken und leben verwirrt von absurden Dingen, und so sehen Sie nicht, was wir wirklich mit Ihren Rechten machen.
Denn wenn Sie Ihr Haus verlassen, laufen Sie Gefahr, an der Grippe mit einer Sterblichkeit von 2% zu sterben.
Auf diese Weise können wir Ihr Verhalten untersuchen, um Sie mit unseren Satelliten und verbundenen Geräten besser zu kontrollieren.
Dass wir Ihnen eine Liste der virtuellen Unterhaltung hinterlassen, damit Sie die neue Normalität nicht in Frage stellen.
Und seien Sie vorsichtig, was Sie tun, denn Ihre Nachbarn handeln auch mit unserer Polizei.
Setzen Sie sich weder Sonnenlicht noch Bakterien aus, damit wir Ihr Immunsystem zerstören.
So nehmen wir Geld aus dem Umlauf, schaffen eine einheitliche Währung und bereiten den Weg für den Impfstoff der neuen Spezies.
Es ist nicht einmal ein Impfstoff, da es nicht organisch, sondern biotechnologisch ist.
So können wir unsere globale Agenda fortsetzen und die gewünschten Änderungen vornehmen, ohne dass Sie es bemerken, ohne Einmischung und ohne Protest.
Du entfernst dich von allem, was dich menschlich macht, also wird unser Handeln subtiler sein, du wirst es normal finden und es wird keine Schuld geben.
Wie wenn Diktatoren Befehle erteilen und Menschen sie ausführen; nur sie tun es mit Waffen und wir mit Angst.
Kämpfe nicht für deine Rechte als Bürger oder für deine Familie, wir wollen, dass du fügsam bist, kein Rebell.
Keine Freiheit, keine Arbeit, keine Schule, keine Religion, kein Reisen, kein Urteilsvermögen, keine Zukunft, keine Menschlichkeit, aber mit Tiktok und Netflix.
Inzwischen verwalten und bereiten wir eine Diktatur dank Ihrer Ignoranz und Toleranz vor.
Bis Sie sich vollständig entmenschlichen und die Empathie für Ihr Volk verlieren, wodurch eine Spaltung oder ein Bruch entsteht, der unmöglich zu beheben ist.
Verstehen Sie, sie wollen Sie nicht gesund, sie wollen, dass Sie von Israel und China zu einem schlecht erzogenen Sklavenaffen gemacht werden!!! Die neue Weltordnung ist das, kontrolliert und perfide.
All dies hat eine Lösung. ES HÄNGT NUR VON UNS AB
they always try to make unvaccinated people sound as if they’re equal to neo nazis and far right wing extremists.
Freedom is what we need..!!!
the description is not correct of your news! We bring topic to light that often go under-reported! En listen to all sites blablabla! This affect every 1 and why the blame again on a specific people? Fact-based reporting😊
Bravo Deutschland, Slowenen sind mit euch!
Karma of being racist nation 😁😄😀 it will get worse in Europe soon. Russia is coming for war soon
God bless
Governments will start taking us seriously when we protest more like BLM.
Respect For This People
The Rest Of Europe
Just Look Like A Bunch
Of Submissive Monguloids
We Europeans Must All
Come On The Streets
And Demand For Our Human Dignity
Otherwise Don’t Call Yourself Human
Because You Aren’t
Dragon Of Truth
Love from Canada. We are with you ❤️💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿
Where in Canada ? I’m in Vancouver
Nothing new there 🙂 We fought fascist oppression together before and we haven’t forgotten.
There is still hope for a free world, with open minded people! Thanks to Amsterdam!
People are tired. We tried lockdowns. We tried it all. Now we have to live w virus. Period. No more lockdowns. Please.
This is world control
World’s gone wrong…BRAVE in the DARK..
Good for you, enough is enough
oh the irony
The government’s one day will own all of us unless we stand up for freedom. Don’t let the 1 percenters win, it’s all about people control and money
Only the politicians, media and evil doctors are promoting covid theory and virus variants.
They are all bribed by the big evil pharma companies.
Get up, stand up, stand up for your rights. Remember this Bob Marley song?
What do you mean with “Covid theory”? You don’t believe that Covid exists?
@Hm Grraarrpffrzz you think it does? LOOOOL!!
@Andy Seriously? You believe that tens of millions if not hundreds of millions people are all part of a huge conspiracy theory to pretend that something happened which has happened countless times before? Really? Well, in that case I’m not surprised that “LOOOOL!!” is the best you are intellectually capable of contributing to an exchange of opinions.
@Hm Grraarrpffrzz No but a tiny few at the top are and they control everyone beneath them, its very easy to do when you control all media, politicians etc, very easy.
Woe to the evil doers ‘ agenda
The police will not be happy when the 1% elite predator war profiteering ruling class lock down their pensions:)
The Japanese government treats its people with more respect than many westernized countries.
Japanese Prime Minister and his Cabinet: “Vaccines will never be administered without the recipient’s consent. We urge the public never to coerce vaccinations at the workplace or upon others around them, and never to treat those who have not received the vaccine in a discriminatory manner.” All countries should follow their example.
1) How many western countries have mandatory vaccinations?
2) How many people would need to die needlessly before you’d consider making vaccinations mandatory?
@Hm Grraarrpffrzz Absolutely no need to mandate people to shoot up dope.
@Brandon Gonzales So you say that even if millions of people would die for easily preventable reasons, the government should do nothing?
japan’s covid hospitalizations dropped dramatically after using driver mech-10
Germany 2G,2G in shopping.3G in Arbeitsplatz fuer alle! 3 G gilt 🤕😷🤑im innerstaatlichen Verkehr
Het was geweldig
Dat is samen UNID with us
BECOUSE THEY WANT to destroy is, wie are the BOSS wie are free PEOPLE klaus SWAB and his gang the elite ,kill bil SORES amanazon dit want to controle THE WOLD ,THEY ARE THE VIRUS,GOUVERMENTS ARE CORRUPT,UNID PEOPLE.
Covid protestors: “We hate Covid and the restrictions! Therefor we boycott anything that is supposed to help against Covid and that would lead to reduced restrictions!!!!”
if that was black ppl white ppl will go crazy especially on fox
I hope the Philippines can protest against vaccines
yup like dianna showed me … its a giant orgy just waiting to start
May Allah swt protect all truthseeking people that stand against this New World Order. 🤲🏼
The people (collectively) are far more intelligent than the governments implementing these draconian restrictions, so why would they not include them in making these highly important decisions? It’s more than evident that a dictatorship is not a healthy option.
The whole world should be doing this
desde bolivia les deseamos fuerza a todos hermanos del mundo
Enough of this lockdown, vaccine and quarantine
It says a lot that the media always highlights the tiny minority of protesters who are ultra-nationalists or far right.
It dissuades average people from joining a movement if they are likely to be grouped together with the bad guys.
cz goverment cancel compulsory vakcine, GO
Patriots, Heros and the REAL citizens of the Netherlands.
Stop complying worldwide
We are the Govt we pay them authority has no power!! Rise up!
🕊️ ελευθερία ή θάνατος 🕊️
There are so many stupid people out there, especially in many of the western countries.
AlJazeera stop using the word extreme right and antivaxxers as this is so far away from the truth and you are ridiculing yourself and your profession. It’s just people that feel trapped by the bullies who call themselves government.. I wish strength to the people in Netherlands!
Fight for freedom of your children!
youtube censor everything
Super, so viele couragierte Menschen zu sehen, die bereit sind gegen den fortschreitenden Wahnsinn zu protestieren. Grüße aus Deutschland.
Ovde baba pije pivo,a kod nas shaku lekova ,pa ko je zatrovaniji pitanje?
People are fed up with restrictions on regular folk and privileges for the wealthy, celebrity and politicians. Big companies are making record profits and and small businesses losing. Workers are getting fired or not paid, but employers still receiving wage subsidies.
Keep it going pole don’t stop stand for ur rights don’t give up the fight Canada should do this our pm he’s a joke.
Is final Russian striker on war to Nato covid 19 is the Not final but my Problem i need the girlfriend
Бей мразей запустивших короновирус, бей ублюдков и власти проводящих геноцид народа земли! Долой правителей и тех кто придумал ковид
Were are your 1 billion guns
Держитесь, Украина с вами
Here’s my story, which goes to show how an absolutely farce this all is. Some of my family got vaccinated with booster shots, basically because they wanted that Vaccination Passport to travel. At Christmas some went to Mexico for a holiday. Before entering their flight home they were tested for the Covid Virus; they tested Negative. Upon arriving back in the country, they were tested again and tested Positive. They went home (taking the virus into their home) and spent some sick days at home. So here we have people who have been vaccinated all with their Vaccination Passports, still getting Covid, carrying the virus into an airplane of people who have been vaccinated (carrying Vaccination Passports) who can still get the disease. Do any of you get my point? This is lunacy and ridiculous! Your vaccines are NOT working! Everyone should be allowed to travel, vaccine passport or not. And, the CDC (The Centre for Disease Control) just announced that cloth masks do ‘pits all’ for stopping the spread of the COVID virus. There are no more people dying from Covid than those who died with Respiratory Diseases in 2019. Just let it run it’s course and be done. People will always be dying!
284,000 people died, in Canada, from diseases in 2019 (before Covid). Even when health officials mess with the numbers, they would be ‘hard pressed’ to reach those numbers with Covid deaths. Stop using the scare tactic to frighten people into being vaccinated and herd them around like a herd of sheep. You have protesters–those are the smart ones that know what the government is trying to do. Countries need to get mandates signed to remove these leaders who are going against the Human Rights Acts of the country and against the Nuremburg Code which was made after the war to protect the citizens of the countries against experimentation and the wrong things they are doing to the people! What can you do but protest such wrongs?!
Fuerza hermanos ,libertad, libertad, libertad 🙏💕🇦🇷💪
No van a poder no van a poder esto es una trampa un genocidio y una dictadura sanitaria vasta,vasta,vasta.Amen,Amén,Amen
OK my friend got all his shots and the booster
He got seek again …
Here’s what I say bullshit ‼️you rich worry too much
Me poor I worry also I want GUCCI TOO😁
I am not an anti-vaxxer, extreme right or extremist of any kind. I am a mother, a daughter and WAS a liberal. I am against all the lockdowns, vax passes and any policies that take our fundamental rights and freedoms away that will do nothing but hurt our children.
Di mana mana covid di jadikan peraturan,covid penyakit atau peraturan
Todo el mundo debería hacer esto nada de esto es más q una potencia mundial…. Para controlar a la población y mantener un conteo exacto de la población…. Y escasear las medicinas y las hospitalizaciones……
Luchen x sus derechos y recuerden q no nos estamos enfrentando a fuerzas humanas si no lo a los poderes y autoridades q dirigen este mundo
Good for the people who are standing up for their rights.
Keep fighting. Succes!
Keep protesting till you win! Thanks to these protesters!
we the world are still watching. and now our children also, we are with you all the way xxx
“Every nation of ignorant sheeps beget the demonic governments of hyenas”
Today’s world need the most real brave human beings like freedom fighters, but don’t need people like (maddog) sheeps or slaves. Brave freedom fighters are gifts from Almighty God for humanity & God removes all evil psychopath fascist govts & evil systems by freedom fighters. Love & respect for freedom fighters
very good, every people form the world should weakup against covid propaganda
This whole covid story has its origin in China where they used a
beautiful tactic towards the people and their commitment was Hong Kong.
They would never have gotten that again without war and that America and
England had interfered with it. But with the Covid they got it without
interference from other countries and without a fight on a silver
platter. Worldwide we know how they continued with this nonsense.under the name covid.And china will finish the game
So many government narritive lies in Al Jazeera’s commentary on this video. Expected i guess.
Freedom 👍♥️👏👏👏👏👏👏
Can we not struggle together!
Всеми президентами управляет с одного места это беспридел но добро победит зло не теряйте надежды желаю всем счастья и здоровя
anti-vaxxers? because they do not want to put their bodies into experiment?