The Taliban is promising to form an inclusive government after taking control of Afghanistan’s capital Kabul.
Al Jazeera’s Charles Stratford takes a look at some of the most powerful Taliban members who may have important political and military roles in any future administration.
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And I thought beards were going out of fashion..
Who is next maybe Ethiopia
That’s very so embarrassing me has a former US Marine we lost a lot of lives we throw away a lot of money taxpayers money to end up like this why did we start this to begin with so embarrassing it’s a shame I know it’s not a US responsibility with the ones who started a problem embarrassing embarrassing President Biden I really support him I don’t know embarrassing
USA tried a civil war in Afghanistan but failed miserablely.
This should be a lesson for the Americans. Alas! They learn not! They forgot Vietnam so they engaged in fruitless endeavors in Afghanistan. They taught the Afghans will continue to sacrifice their own blood for the wanton ambitions of Rochild’s family who profit from war and interest charges on loans for arms all over the world!
….if our politicians are under scrutiny, is it any wonder at the same time Afghan govt is gone,
Brothery not Bardy.
Puppet government of American you failed America the colonising failed.
Donkey is better than Taliban. Dogs better than talibab. Pigs are better than Taliban
ده ریش طالبان شاشاکنم وده دهان طالب گوه کن
Pakistan terrorists country. Pakistan
These are a bunch of lost souls..
Powerful no, blind religious zealots and Oppurtunists yes
Taliban is good alayws good
Bangladesh might get taken over by the Taliban because of hasinas crackdown on islam and maulanas
That’s tuff
america lost 144billon$ us dollar in afghan war..this is what american media says
Reality: afghanistan is a money flow in american banks from its naturel lithium and OPIUM Resource
Terrorist win
Why doesn’t the hypocritical media see how many innocent people from Hiroshima and Nagasaki to this day have died in the US bombing? Why is the world media silent on US terrorism?
Muslim avengers 😊
Why should a man do when condition gets bad, just shout out for help , so guys please help me get atleast 100 subscribers rather than 0 to avoid shame thank you God bless. Have mercy I beg you thank you.
its their country US and others leave them alone
Taliban will cover the land of Afghanistan in blood.
You have to respect the fighting spirit of the Pashtuns…they never gave up though they were killed by American inhuman raids, and the militias of the dogs..these dusty assd men in cloaks with Aks, RPGs and pick up trucks defeated three world powers…the cave dwellers are the real MVPs of the battle
& What A Rag Tag Team There Are…😂
Bunch of poor untrained villagers with guns …that’s who they really are!!
Its easy to take control of unprotected country and deserted citys
Has the taliban claim they were responsible for 9:11?
No! Even OBL didn’t accept the responsibility before Mullah Omar or he’d have been trialed by the Taliban, since it’s against the honor code for the guest to use his refuge to attack his enemy!
I Dadjal- Antihrist- mAGdi- mAshaah, listen to me!: ШаАРиАТ это иСуСоЛаМизм внутри 12 иМаМаАТского учения= 12 МаМатрополитское Второзавтное(Новозаветное) учение с поклоном трупу иСуСа- Исмаила лежащего под КаАБой кАБальной хАРиДжитской в Мекке, с паломничеством хАДж- Крест, это заблудшая секта отбросов человеческих, так как не наняты полным 72 Судьи “А”поСтола- “А”Духа- Сподвижника- Гаона- ПроКУРАтора Земским Собором- КОНом Всевышнего, нанимающего заКОН Земли Елиной Лиги человеческой по Официальным реЛИГИям, ЛИГИтивных только в целостности Земли без раздела на учения и страны- секты отбросов. тОЛиб МуТалибович, тОЛуй чАНгАЗИт и ОЛег Вещий Микулович Пророк Великий Князь Мира Единого один и тот же человек, он же (ц)АзАр- (ф)АзАраон Мира сын АзАра- Фарры- Тереха назвавшего реку Терек, Первосвященник “А”АзАрон, Коэн к”А”Гун, в т.ч. “А”фГУНисТАна “АБ”р”А”Гун(Ибрагим), АВраам, ОДенАТ ШахинШаах Мира, назвавший в.т.ч. порт Аден в Йемене, КапитОЛийские холмы в Риме и Вашингтоне, они от имени одного человека, это и есть Священный Огонь вышедший из Йемена соединяющий родными Индейцев 2 Америк, так как они есть Индусы, а изначально кАВкАЗцы- АВеля кровь из АЗИи, то же и СлАВяне кАЗАки это АВеля кровь из АЗИи, то же и АВгусты Рима и есть АВреи(ЕВреи искаженные на родство к женщине (х)АВе-ЕВе) АшкенАЗИ, тоже АВеля кровь из АЗИи. Индейцев АлГУНских имена: ГлейДейНохче- ИнгушеЧеченец ТУскАрАра- ТУркоАРмянин ДАГейнАВеда- Дагестанец, ТАкумИСе- ТаТароАРмянин, ОнОнАйДаг- ГрузиноАрмяноДагестанец. Этим Гог и МаГог, Яджудж-МаДжудж, генетическим способом Всевышний даёт каждому мужчине Земли 1/12 всех мужчин Земли родными по виду его хромосомы ДНК”У”, без эволюции передаваемой от отца в 100% объеме неразмешиваемой, по которой Частичного Родства не бывает, и каждому мужчине родные по 6 из 72 АпоСтолов Библейских которые есть 72 Торных Гаонов они же 72 Коранных Сподвижников Всевышнего- (х)АвАзАри- АЗхАБов- “А”Духов Судей и одновременно ПроКУРАторов Земли Единой ЛИГИ человеческой, ЛИГИтивных только в целостности Земли без раздела на страны- государства- секты возглавляемые, считается хуже и страшнее серийный убийц, пришедших мошенническими тайными скрытными подложными выборами- Узурпаторами не Соборно разделившими в сговоре Землю – Земской Собор на государства. 72 Судьи Единого Земского Собора – КОНа Всевышнего нанимающего заКОН Земли Единой ЛИГИ человеческой ЛИГИтивные только в целостности Земли, определяются как старшие сыновья от старших сыновей, они и подтверждают Единогласно Наследника, это называется по Соборному ПрАВу и Римскому ПрАВу: Венец Всевышнего АВгустейшей кАВкАЗской крови. В теле такого человека считается доказано Соборно Публично и Процессуально, что Всевышний спустился на Землю. Есть такого рода доказательства, это единственный всемирный и мирный Прямой Путь (ц)АзАрование (ф)АзАраона (к)АзАрАлТАя тиТУлом Sol Invictus- Непобедимое Солнце. иСуС не получил такой Венец Всевышнего АВгустейшей крови, и определен Преступником вредоноснее серийного убийцы Варнавы, за это и казнь с вывешиванием на дыбу-крест в позор как преступника, его только 12 АпоСтолов- Сподвижников- Гаонов иСуСа- СаСанида- СоСиеТатИС Драконика- дРАкулу2 короновали, а 60 из 72 сказали: Ты не сын АВраама-ОЛега- тОЛиба- тОЛуя- ОДа- ОДенАТА и воруешь у Али тОЛиба ШахинШааха Мира наследство, а сын насильника АВимелеха- ДубльАВеля- дАВида- АБдубля вышедшего за пятку АБдулы пастуха Юродивого- Рюрика- Джучи чАНгАЗИта- дРАкулы- младшего, и значит не наследник, а Соборный Узурпатор и Лжепророк Вредоносный СоСиеТатИС Драконика- дРАкула2, брат по отцу АБдубль Кидыра Аль Джиллани сын хАРиДЖиТА- Джучи- АБдалы который есть пастух дАВид- ДубльАВель- ЗоровАВель, по которому были и остались вопросы но Соборному Старшинству. Второе Пришествие иСуСа это эксгумация его из под КаАБы кАБальной хАРиДЖитской в Мекке, захороненного как Исмаил из крепости Измаил Дунайский Игорь Рюрик изгнанный дРАкула- СаСекский- СоСо- СаСанид- СоСиеТатИС Драконика- дРАкула2- Рюрик2, и я Антихрист Заявил на его Эксгумацию в Истринском суде Публично и Процессуально сдав генетические тесты и заберу у дРАкулы2- иСуСа- СоСо- СоСиеТатИС Драконика- дРАкулы2 ПрАВо Вести Службу Всевышнему по генетическому Соборному Старшинству, как потомок более старшего брата, чем его отец, по этому иСуС на Втором Пришествии становится позади Ведущего Службу Всевышнему Даджала- Антихриста- меня, который и Соборуется “в озере огненном” как (м)АГди- (м)АШаах это все один человек, который на Генетическим Соборе Мира Единого Гог и МаГог, Яджудж и МаДжудж признается генетическим наследником ГлАВы Земского Собора тиТУлом Sol Invictus, это и есть доказательство, что Всевышний спустился на Землю в теле человека. Не бойтесь генетического Соборования Единой Земли, не зависящего от цвета кожи и разреза глаз, та как всего 12 Деревьев мужской крови “ДНК”У” в 100% переданной от 12 разных Праотцов, а не от 1 Иакова в искажениях для ЕВреев ранее АВреев- АВгустов. Кто понял этот текст, тот перешёл Мост Сират, позади которого сгорело прошлое Поверхностное понимание Священных Текстов.
Terrorists 👈👈👈👈
Mention terrorist on taliban headline..
Fun part starts now. We will see if Taliban is able to develop the country or keep it a 6th century open air museum.
Let’s all be grateful that President Biden is tough as nails, he had the courage to leave. Trump is a weak loser coward
Ahhhh…that bald dude over reacting on his comments…🤪😝
Who are married 6year child to 100 year women,or how many wife’s they have or how many innocent people’s are killed by him
Great Heroes of free Afganistan.
All backward thinking people
Taliban Hostage Afghanistan People on Gun point.
Pakistan’s admiration towards Taliban is not true otherwise they would also installed Taliban Government in Islamabad.
Pakistan is dreaming dummy Dictatorial Taliban Government in Afghanistan for their won vested interest………..
Using Taliban Strategy of hostage the people on gun point and capture the kingdom of Qatar, UAE, Saudi, Kuwait, Bahrain and Oman……..
and where is the Afghan military?
I guess after all this time, the Afghan war is just another scheme to enrich the military industrial complex and its stakeholders. Trillions of dollars have been spent conveniently, yet no acceptable outcome has been achieved.
The US failed on Iraq and this one badly, whild still struggling in Syria. Does anyone got any clue on why the US government acted this way?
You killers
So I guess the woman want be able to wear bikinis and hang by the pool. No one will be able to wear jeans and T-shirt’s and no shorts. Everyone will have to wear robes from here on out. Well except me, since I live in the U.S. 😜
All of these men are wanted terrorists I suppose-pity the USA hasn’t incarcerated them
Anybody remember Daniel Pearl-these people are maniacs
Like we all knowing Taliban like terrorist.
Katakot naman yung isang kasama nila na nagpapaputok sa taas
Investor should invest in Toyota 🤔
Respecting people choices is the best way for Western countries to build bridges with the Muslim world 🌎!
How isi make them fool 20 years 😅😅😅😅😅
Biden and Trump:
«Ashraf Ghani was a bad man»
Did you know that all Third World leaders who are American mercenaries are the worst in the eyes of their people?.
My family is the worst
Taliban didn’t defeat NATO or US forces, they were hiding in the mountains like cockroaches, then came out when US made the stupid decision to leave afghanistan
The car in front is always a Toyota.
How the world is looking at this?
1) victory of native over foreign stoog?
2) victory of extremists over moderate Islam?
Why doesnt the Afghani people rise up and stop these Taliban?
There is another Older one , with very white looking skin like a westerner , long white beard , wears glasses. Please name him
live in sin, die in sin, Taliban are strict. Beard up boys and quit plane jumping.
I hope Taliban ordered like Propet Muhammad & love all people.
They are scary they looks like evil
2021 Modern warfare =
Toyota and AK47
Osama is missing
The only thing that Western clown leaders achieved is to invest trillions of Dollar just to replace Taliban with Taliban
BarokahALLAH peace with new lider afghanistan
Bye Bye America, Nice to meet you.
America should live other nations to have their own laws
Wow…Taliban made history and guinness world record to get capital city of country with in less than 24hrs…just only making the fire gun in the sky..
Yeah these people mean business. They are serious about their agenda. Hope they succeed.
How these hyenas are alive till 20 years now.
Congratulations for the fighters taking back their country.. money doesn’t win wars … It is men.. men who will die for a cause 🐤
Talibans are pigs just as you Al-Jazeera guys are.
Let them have their country. Pour trillions of dollars into the US economy instead. No more wars, we can’t police the world. 💯
Don’t they have some mini explosive homing drones for these child molesters.
What was the reason Taliban were targeted by USA and Invaded Afghanistan?
I know they had no involvement in 9/11 and even Osama bin laden denied any involvement in 9/11 attack. These people are quick to admit and glorify actions even if they hadn’t done them so when they deny it then it means they are telling the truth.
So why did USA and Allies attack Afghanistan and not Saudi Arabia is insult to our inelegance.
That picture is not Mullah Omar
*Heroin price Go Bbbbbrrrrrrrrr*
Nice to see the Taliban get control of the country.
Buncha bunch of incel freakazoids…those guys need to get laid by a willing partner so badly!!!
If people woke up they will know america is thr strongest taliban america got them guys as puppet n.w.o order out kaos
These beasts are now ruling Afghanistan. Taliban have no respect for humanity. They live in twenty first century with Stone Age mentality. These idiots want to impose their harsh so-called Islamic rules on the Afghan people. Sooner or later they too will be vanished like communists and other dictators .
So, they are now members, not terrorists?
The Afghan Government is and always has been rotten through and through with corruption. The government officials have no real interest in Afghanistan or its people, they are only interested in power and money and anything they can get out of the country for themselves. As for the taliban, they are just a group of uncivilised, uneducated killers who have to rely on a book to justify themselves for their murders. Just look at most of them, they would have trouble knowing which end of a broom to hold to sweep up. In the end, make the Afghan politicians stay there…don’t give them asylum.
American taxpayers are fed up with funding this kind of activity and losing their children in this kind of war. Biden is absolutely right to get out of Afghanistan. Muslim countries must learn to get along with each other without military aid and support from Western countries. They will also have to learn to negotiate between the various political groups within their countries without constantly blaming “the others”. Review the teaching of religion and morals in Islam in all schools, colleges and universities in all Muslim countries.
Alhamdulillah. Be like Thaliban 🇲🇨🇲🇨💖🏳🏳
Gangsters… It’s government, welcome to the club… $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Aljazeera DW CNN WION FOX NEWS are throughout biased against taliban.
*Allied forces should Wipe out all the taliban leaders, The Brain of World Terrorism instead of only Osama Bin Laden and their taliban soldiers.They were the evil infuencer of the talìbans that must take down to prevail the equality and peace in Afganistan and to the world*
The Haqqani network has been designated as a foreign terrorist organisation by the US but is still funded and supported by the Pakistan ISI, the godfathers of terrorism!
ALLAHU AKBER. The great victory of the heroic Taliban Mujahideen is due to the infinite mercy and compassion of Allah Ta’ala. Move forward with indomitable strength & relentless speed. ALHAMDULILLAH.
CIA knows we’re they are ,just drop the bombs problem solve