One week after the Taliban took over Kabul, the Taliban is busy trying to form a new government.
Senior Taliban leaders are in talks with their commanders, former government figures and religious scholars.
Al Jazeera’s Charlotte Bellis reports from Kabul, Afghanistan.
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Blame America and Biden but that Afghan gov and military were apparently more corrupt then anybody.
This is the kid from Rambo III. 😂😂
I wish the Taliban the best of luck in governing Afghanistan. As a American Afghan war OEF veteran I have no ill will against them. May they rule their nation with peace and wisdom.
It’s nice to see somewhere where feminism and lgbt craziness will not be tolerated.
0:08 You may thing its his name on shoulder but it isn’t
That a phrase which translates as ;here is the land let see who is hero; saying in warning ⚠️ manner
Thank you Biden for equipping the Taliban with the latest U.S. Military gear, You go Joe!
Go and fight there if u like or wish
No thank Colt LLC.
The company making the rifles.
You have no way of knowing if they gear is former US military gear.
Do you know how easy and cheap this stuff is to get?
The world close its eyes to this wild animals. Why this terrorists are probing in the country without restriction. Didn’t they killed several people in US and Afghanistan?
Nice m4’s.
Yeah cheap reliable gun.
Easy to purchase.
@Patrick Pedersen I missed out on the free giveaway. shame.
May Afghanistan and all Islamic countries unite, blessed by Allah to become a strong, prosperous country and become an example for other Islamic countries. Don’t want to be pitted against each other by the west or its minions or other parties who don’t like to see Islam united and victorious. Peace & respect..
The Middles East live by our grace.
Be grateful to the West, for we allow you to live.
Dont thank god, thank us.
@Patrick Pedersen That’s not true, God bless us.
@Pejuang Indo we could finish off the whole Middle east if we wanted to.
what a mess?
Now that the taliban is not hiding in mosques and villages among women and children now would be the perfect time to launch drone strikes
Illiterate people cannot form government but they form future corrupt leaders.
Do these clowns think we are as dumb as their people are . “We don’t have any hostilities against anyone.” Bahahha
Bangladesh stand with TALIBAN
Great job Democrats…
My heart goes out to the Afghan people…they like us in the US have just lost their freedoms because of Joe Biden and Democrat liars
forming a government is one thing but I would would like to see them start and manage an economy as well 😏
They’re screwed!
What about the Northern Alliance 🤔
I say the U.S. needs to go back and retrieve are weapons and copters
Watch Afghan people will resist Taliban when new war starts……
Always remember to respect the women without them there wouldnt be men.
You’re in zero position to tell them what to do
Former president what happened to his brother
They seem like nice people
Men who sell tea and have no education background running india, then taliban can also run there country.
Arent you the genius…you should be the president instead of flipping burgers and smoking crack….STFU U R NOBODY AND NOBODY CARES BOUT UR STUPID F**KING OPINION
🤡 🌎
The Taliban is the best army. give him a way to fix it. do not oppress the nation because of immoral mistakes and political gains. do not use politics and reduce the immorality. whoever reaffirms his heart to do good by being forgiving and being critical of people who are vile to Islam. then forbid them to do so. because as good as life is to give the best sponsor. don’t be unfair to the president because justice is very important for them to be protected from bad prejudice. speed up justice so that they are prejudiced. patiently waiting for them to improve. be a good person in making decisions don’t be fooled by those who are not good. spread kindness so that they become easier to repair. be the antidote for them so they get better. peace is the subject of their pride and they can be humble.
Those long beards are gross. The older men out of shape. You can bet they haven’t seen a gym….
What I don’t understand is why the international community allowing this to happen..? They stole the Afghan Gov’t, and now they are trying renew it, just like that..? Aren’t there anymore fighters for “justice” amongst their past allies? And they’re allowing this to happen… I don’t know if Taliban is good or not today, but they did no good in the past, and again, they stole the fckn Government… So…
Who to trust now???
There is no one else left to send….UN and USA were there for 20 years….
Well they beat Joe Biden’s government when they weren’t a government.
Whatever you say about the talibans, they are warrior people, they fought americans for 20 years, russians for 10 years and they had civil war….yet they won…
Maybe they’ll support a branch of BLM and Antifa and they’ll also propose free healthcare ,college and rent for all.Oh and don’t forget about the rights of lgbtqrstuv. Yup it’s all on their agenda I’m sure…
Yes, bring back these financials institutions your brother had established and left the country in this mess.
Let’s be honest. Before the IS came, these words from the taliban would be unthinkable. After the US leaves, they are sounding like the west has heavily influenced their new outlook on governance. So did they really win?
Wars for revenge leave the seeker humiliated in the end.
😅 😏
Soon they will all be dead from covid. Not a mask in sight.
Why some people criticizing Taliban tooking over control of their own country. What do you think of Israel? Do you think Israel doing is a big joke?
Didn’t trump released him
Here you go Tali’s. – free gear and trucks – guns. Free pants, don’t forget to wear a belt, a rope might work.
We cannot take the taliban seriously or show respect or even acknowledge when they speak English we should respond to them using a stereotypical middle eastern accent and then we should take the women
I don’t feel the Taliban are a terrorist organization. I think they just want to be left alone. What if they come to the United States and told us how to do things
“We do not have any hostility with anyone” – says while a rifle is tucked under his arms! 🙄
What I find awkward is seeing these guys wear military gear Kevlar vest helmets you name it hardly recognizable to tell if they’re Taliban but still it does go to show that many of these Afghan soldiers that we did support all defected to the Taliban that’s all I can say I wasn’t surprised by this BS
I am a communist and don’t even know how to pray but seeing my brave compatriots with their sweet Kandahari, victorious, I cannot hide my happiness and say a thousand times: ALLAHHHHHH O AKBAR… and dance like never before.
Reagan was right; we should have built a death-ray laser after all.
These are people who are involved in the most heinous torture, murder and pure terror during their stay in FATA Pakistan before moving to Afghanistan.
Taliban looking sharp in their new gear. They even fit properly. 👀
U.S. trained these traitors. Let these idiots living with taliban forever.
One face on tv on face when camera switches off
They just want the money to attack other countries because they are stronger now
There wearing our gear now that’s unacceptable.
Taliban are the ultimate 0 Ping Players.
I love Taliban they are brave and enough for everything سبحان الله
Yeah! First kill america’s army and afghan army and then say we will forgive everyone and want america to help us or be good with us.
Acting as diplomat bastards.
Sucesor del legendario comandante Masud llama a la resistencia en Afganistán.
La intención es retomar el poder de Afganistán por medio de las armas, así lo insinuó Ahmad Masud, quien llamó, incluso, a países vecinos a unirse.
Ahmad Masud, hijo del comandante Ahmed Shá Masud asesinado en 2001 por Al Qaida, instó este lunes 16 de agosto a sus compatriotas a unirse a él para resistir a los talibanes, que están retomando el poder en Afganistán, al tiempo que presiona a los países “amigos de la libertad” a que ayuden al suyo.
En una columna publicada en la revista francesa “La Règle du jeu”, fundada por el escritor Bernard Henri-Lévy, el hijo del héroe de la resistencia antisoviética, que después combatió contra los talibanes, afirma reivindicar como “suya la lucha de su padre (…) por la libertad, en tanto la tiranía se impone en Afganistán “.
“Mis compañeros de armas y yo brindaremos nuestra sangre, junto a todos los afganos libres que rechacen la servidumbre, a los que llamo a unirse conmigo en nuestro bastión de Panjshir, la última región libre en nuestro país moribundo”, señala en un mensaje dirigido a gente “de todas las regiones y todas las tribus”.
Éste considera que “pese la debacle total (…) no está todo perdido”.
Estamos en la misma situación de Europa en 1940″, escribe en el texto, citando a Winston Churchill y al general Charles de Gaulle, para defender la causa de la resistencia ante los países occidentales en particular: “me dirijo a todos ustedes, en Francia, en Europa, en América, en el mundo árabe y en otras partes, que tanto nos han ayudado en nuestra lucha por la libertad, contra los soviéticos primero y los talibanes hace veinte años (…) ¿vendrán queridos amigos de la libertad a ayudarnos una vez más como en el pasado? Confiamos en ustedes, a pesar de que la traición de algunos ha sido muy grande”.
“Alinéense, amigos de la libertad, tantos como sea posible, de nuestro lado”, añade en este llamado a los afganos de dentro y fuera del país, así como a los occidentales.
Ahmad Masud, que lidera una formación política denominada “Frente para la resistencia”, instó a Henri-Lévy para “que intervenga ante París” para obtener el apoyo de Francia.
Malditos poderes fácticos y minoritarias élites económicas que se reparten el mundo náuseabundo y podrido, dejando a su su suerte a los que en principio fueron a ayudar bajo el manto de la lucha contra el terrorismo y el Monkeybussines geoestratégico.
Futuro desalentador a todos los niveles; recursos, esclavitud, corrupción, explotación, libertad, cambio climático…
Sin lucha y concienciación directos al abismo en menos de 20 años a pasos agigantados.
😂 😳
Leave Afghanistan alone
Perhaps the freezing if assets will force the taliban/Afganistan to use an alternative currency (gold/silver) that will free them from the enslavement of the global economy and petro dollar
Well done biden, you were brave to do what the last 4 presidents were embatlrrased to admit to… A humiliating defeat… Even 50 years from now, if another president did the same, he would be humiliated the same way… Pathetic world bullys, go home and cry over your humiliating defeat
I found him!!!! Where’s my 5 million dollars America?!?!???
क्या ये चेनल उर्दू मे नहीं मिलेगा
😌 😯
Wonder if taxes gonna go up to recoup all that equipment…
Seems Al-Jazeera happy though
Will the Chinese or Russians try to broker an extension with the Taliban to appear to be the good guys and a future allie to the new Afghan government?
الحمد لله الله أكبر ❤️❤️😎😎😎
Taliban are beating ppl and executions..Played everyone as fools nothing changed about them. Glad we are out of Afghanistan..Yet we should have prepared our allies and got everyone out. CNN reporter got threatened by them. Things getting crazy my friends.
Did ghani just said, Taliban lacks educated people…!?
Man… ghani had worlds like: harvard cambridge standard educated people….still they lost the war
We could waste the Taliban in 5 months!!!
Hahha al jazera and their beloved talibans. Same people preach tolerance and secularism in nonmuslim countries. Human must have minimum dignity which ia clearly absence among islamic minded people
Let them fix their issues among themselves.
Taliban The best liars in the world
Horse hockey.
Biden is such a failure. The man has no soul.
With 5 million dollar bounty for his capture. Ofcourse he will carry rifle around lol. Even in their society pashtun people carry weapon around. Its normal in their culture.
Al-Jazeera is a terrorist supported channel hence proved.